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Something Borrowed Reviews

  • Melyssa 2022-03-24 09:02:25


    Another movie based on the best-selling novel. The film queen Hilary Swank took a picture of this series of novels and acted as a producer to make them into movies. When you see the title of the book, you will think of the oral tradition of marriage in the West: something old, something new,...

  • Deontae 2022-03-24 09:02:25

    female friendship

    The interpersonal relationships of young women are often like this: A is an extroverted personality, with a good appearance and a public personality, B is an introverted personality, with an ordinary appearance and a restrained personality. In a friendly relationship, A is in a dominant position,...

  • Vito 2022-03-24 09:02:25

    The mistress in the name of true love is still a mistress after all! !

    I, who have been diving for thousands of years, can't help but scold me~ Are there any normal people in this film? The girl pig is the same as the old one. She even performed the clips of the university herself. There is no mistake! ! ! My friend's fiancé, I just gave it like this, after one last...

  • Rudy 2022-03-24 09:02:25

    Be the one you love, love the one you love~

    I heard this film about friendship while watching "Kangxi Is Coming", so I searched and watched it. The following is a personal film review about this "Something Borrowed"!   I used to be a very moral person. I remember when Li Zongsheng and Zhu Weiyin divorced for Lin Yilian's sake, when I saw...

  • Obie 2022-03-24 09:02:25

    Something Borrowed

    Viewed together in the dormitory, all points are magnified. DEX was a little cowardly afterwards, which I didn't like. That GAY honey, God knows how much I liked him when he confessed. If I were the heroine, I would rush over and get married immediately, and let that cowardly man go away. Although...

  • Uriel 2022-03-24 09:02:25

    What we want is reality

    After watching it, the momentary thought was: too coincidental, too fairy tale. The four-star rating is entirely for Ethan, entirely for his sentence: you are my first choice.          In fact, I still have a lot of feelings when I watch it: I regret Rachel's hesitation and evasion when facing...

  • Domenico 2022-03-24 09:02:25

    Rachel is so beautiful

    Rachel is so beautiful, she feels so skin is so good. Whether it's a shirt, a suit, a business dress, or an evening dress, she looks so good even in pajamas. She's prettier than darcy. I don't know how much the two of them were study partners at school. I feel like why no one said anything? On the...

  • Taya 2022-03-23 09:02:23

    Like it or not, it's worth it, you know

    Maybe it's not the relationship that gets involved but the self who isn't being honest with how you feel. Lost opportunities because of self-confidence, too much taking for granted, and lack of heart-to-heart communication. In the end, the traditional concept of brewing should not be. Identify your...

  • Yolanda 2022-03-23 09:02:23

    Love never changes, what changes is our heart.

    If we have to look at the characters in this movie from the perspective of right and wrong, and we have to analyze it from a rational perspective, then I think it is irrational to do so. Because there is no right or wrong in the emotional world, there is no rationality, and it is more mixed with...

  • Candice 2022-03-23 09:02:23

    Something Borrowed? Borrowed what?

    it's a typical friday night-chick flick; nice selection of music. After all i just wanna say: Where in the can i find John*(as "Ethan")* in real life *(as "Ethan")* ??? ?????? He's so down to earth and adorable!!!!!!           Kate Hudson did a great job i think, she really acts out this sassy...