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Something Borrowed Reviews

  • Angelo 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    Before it's too late, before it's really too late.

    Be late. Better yet, quit. Better late than never. At least it would be a decision. You're an asshole. Yeah, maybe I am. But I'm the only asshole here who gives a shit about you! Least I tried, right? Do what you wanna do. Live your own life the way you want to live it. You wanna teach? Teach. You...

  • Tyler 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    chase what you want with your courage

    I believe that many people feel the same way:     because of other people’s expectations or other reasons, we walk the road we don’t want to go, and live the life we ​​don’t want to live, but suddenly another day, you find that the person you love the most also loves the same With you, you have a...

  • Jayde 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    rotten mistress

    I like kate Hudson very much, and I like that every character she plays is straightforward, cute and easy-going, and will strive for a very infectious and happy person. . . Will the director cast a nerdy girl to play the role? As soon as I see the heroine, I don't want to watch it. It's because...

  • Cassandra 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    In Time with Myself

    After reading it three times, I understand a little more. Really love the rhythm of this movie. I think I liked Ethan so much at the time because he was smart. He persuaded Rach for every reason I could relate to my life, Weirdly. And because he liked it deeply. He's the Patronus, fighting for...

  • Andrew 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    In Time with Myself

    After reading it three times, I understand a little more. Really love the rhythm of this movie. I think I liked Ethan so much at the time because he was smart. He persuaded Rach for every reason I could relate to my life, Weirdly. And because he liked it deeply. He's the Patronus, fighting for...

  • Mallory 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    Love doesn't come first, but those who come first have only memories

    Rachel met Dex first, and they fell in love early~~~ Darcy didn't show up at that time. The reason why they had a later betrayal was because of the awakening of love many years ago. The normal thought is that they are just a dog man and woman, and they are so mean to their best friends~~~ I don't...

  • Golda 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    No one is a white lotus

    After reading the original novel, no one is a white lotus. Rachel is a scheming green tea bitch with high double quotient, while Darcy has low double quotient, selfishness, vanity and no culture. Their friendship is not worth mentioning. One is that they have a flattering personality who has always...

  • Louisa 2022-03-24 09:02:25

    follow your heart

    When sister Amoy often talks about another boy in front of you, you should be able to find that she has a crush on that boy. I think this is what every girl should feel, but I didn't expect Darcy's nerves to be so thick in college. When Dex and Rachel were chatting in the bar, Darcy didn't know how...

  • Randy 2022-03-24 09:02:25

    something new, something old, something borrowed, something blue.

    something new, something old, something borrowed, something blue. Rachel said she grew up imagining what Darcy's wedding would be like, this soft-hearted girl, she is not sorry to sleep Dex, she is sorry to hurt Darcy. Recently See If You Are the One, some female guests asked the male guests what...

  • Payton 2022-03-24 09:02:25

    This Story Happened In NY.

    This is a story that happened in New York. The protagonist is Snow White in "Once Upon A Time". The story is actually quite simple. It's a story about a girlfriend prying her boyfriend away. It feels like a foreign version of "33 Days of Broken Love". Is love robbed? Or that fate loves to play...