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Shooter Reviews

  • Paris 2021-10-20 17:23:25

    I like dark justice

    I remember watching a TV series before, called "Dark Justice". It is about a person being a judge during the day, but the problem often encountered is that bad guys arrogantly escape the sanctions of the law in court and continue to get away with impunity. So, at night, he put on a night...

  • Shawna 2021-10-20 17:23:25

    Watch movies and learn knowledge

    This afternoon, while listening to the report and having nothing to do, I finished watching the film that was released a long time ago. After watching it, I thought, American movies are awesome, and I can always find gimmicks to attract the audience. Such a movie is full of clichés and...

  • Davon 2021-10-20 17:23:25

    Earthshaking with a gun

    The sniper may be the most martial arts character in modern warfare. A personal hero with a single-handed combat and a deadly move. In the previous movies, they were mostly supporting roles, and now they are finally promoted to be the protagonists. This sniper has a full range of...

  • Clovis 2021-10-20 17:23:24

    Shooter / sniper life and death line

    I always don’t like watching war movies, which is the kind where two armies blast each other to death, but I like watching movies dominated by one-man army. This is probably the one that Lan Bo is about to make a comeback recently. The impact on me in my childhood. This type of movie does...

  • Amelia 2021-10-20 17:22:52

    "Life and Death" story structure archive

    Story structure: