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Shooter Reviews

  • Taya 2022-03-20 09:01:17

    Make the powerless powerful

    It is one of the few action popcorn movies with a plot.

    The protagonist is used by the military because of the "Patriot Theory". It can also be seen from the side that a simple soldier who has been soaked in a political dyeing vat for a long time has become a politician who can hold...

  • Isac 2022-03-20 09:01:17

    The feeling of going down the stairs

    From the beginning of the movie, the suspense was played, and the suspense was also revealed at the beginning, that is, the male protagonist was injured and began to escape and revenge. At the beginning, the fixed form in my mind was that the killer was a group of people, and the male protagonist...

  • Donna 2022-03-20 09:01:17

    Hearty sniper revenge

    The main sniper starring Mark Wahlberg was framed and wanted. In order to find the real murderer behind the scenes and get rid of the crime, swagger (the protagonist) began his revenge battle.

    I think every boy has more or less a military fan dream in his mind. The sniper is one of the most popular,...

  • Jaclyn 2022-03-20 09:01:17

    May the beautiful soul never be let down

    The essence is still a hero movie + an action movie, the rhythm is well controlled, and the action scenes are also perfect. But what impressed me the most was the plot rather than the action scene.

    First thing first, I hope such a story will not happen to anyone. May the beautiful soul never be let...

  • Hubert 2022-03-19 09:01:03

    "Life and Death Sniper" sharpshooter punishes evil and promotes good for the country

    Excellent Special Force Bob and his good brother Downey performed missions in the Middle East together. After performing the cover mission, Bob was abandoned by his troops and Downey was killed. Bob regretted it very much, so he returned to his hometown and gave flowers to Downey’s girlfriend on...

  • Keshaun 2022-03-19 09:01:03

    A movie of a deified sniper

    Snipers are cool in people's minds, especially those who are interested in war and military affairs. They hide themselves like lonely heroes on the top of a cliff or among the ruins, lying on their faces quietly, like poisonous snakes waiting for their prey to appear. Once they find a target, they...

  • Marlene 2022-03-19 09:01:03

    15th day of vacation

    Maybe it's because I rarely watch movies of this theme, I give 4 stars, which is full. In fact, they wrote about their society and their bureaus. Soldiers should not be forgotten, let alone be used. But for soldiers, no matter what it is, let alone right or wrong, just listen to the order, the...

  • Terry 2022-03-19 09:01:03

    Don't be dazzled by the banner

    There are quite a few comrades in "Life and Death Sniper" who pronounce the third word as zu. They really can't bear it. At first glance, it looks similar to "Fuse", and it is also a revenge film related to justice. As the incarnation of justice, the protagonist sees a gang of evil people...

  • Yvette 2022-03-19 09:01:03

    There is always a solution

    The hero lived in seclusion and came back under the infection of patriotism. As a result, he fell into a trap, escaped from the dead, and started investigation and revenge. There are basically no unexpected routines. The reason for the high score is probably because the movie rarely used sniper,...

  • Linwood 2022-03-18 09:01:02


    A veteran was left behind during the mission. He lived in the mountains and forests incognito for three years. Someone came to him and asked him to use his knowledge of sniping to protect the president from assassination. Who knew this was a huge trap. …… I find that I am more and more like writing...