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Session 9 Reviews

  • Carey 2022-09-21 21:52:11

    Understanding of some details and stories

    If you are looking for a qualified film review to enrich your understanding of this film, I think you will be disappointed. I am just translating some of the findings and partial analysis of the details of this film on foreign forums. 1. When Gordon came to the hospital for the first time, he saw...

  • Anne 2022-09-11 21:55:14

    Heart demon

    I first understood it this way: After Gordon and Wendy had a daughter, the pressure in their lives increased suddenly. The excessive pressure caused a certain string in Gordon’s heart to break. So one day when he returned home, due to a trivial matter, he sent his own wife. Both the woman and the...

  • Zachery 2022-09-06 09:20:14

    The only horror movie that made me feel scary

    Don't even mention that Brad Anderson is driving high and low, this starting point is really too high. Even later "The Machinist" and "Across Siberia" are not enough to see. Being able to shoot psychological horror films to this state is completely beyond the level of a normal person. But the...

  • Robin 2022-09-05 15:43:20

    Simon's curse

    Hints: 1. The scenes where G made several phone calls in the mental hospital all indicate the worsening of his condition step by step. In the later part of the film, when G walked into room 444, which was formerly Mary's room, the background sound was Session. Simon's narrative in 9, from the...

  • Oswaldo 2022-07-29 20:53:35

    Why did it hurt Hank in the first place?

    After reading the film reviews, everyone really clings to their own opinions. Some people say that the nine people who appear on the open and dark lines in the movie are all of Gordon’s personality. Some people say that they are all real. For the patient, some people say that Gordon killed his wife...

  • Burdette 2022-07-29 20:23:06

    Simon is the murderer

    I read the explanations of the film reviews, and I don’t think many places make sense. If Mary’s story is just a hint, why is there a picture of Gordon in Room 444? It shows that Gordon used to live in this ward. As mentioned at the beginning of the movie, some patients were left on the streets and...

  • Birdie 2022-07-29 17:57:53

    Too much over-interpretation

    After reading the top few reviews, you sometimes have a preconceived illusion because of some movies you have watched before, such as "Fatal ID", "Closed Island" and so on. So first, explain a few points where everyone is prone to misunderstanding: 1. Gordon’s friends are real, not virtual...

  • Casey 2022-07-29 12:44:17

    Split personality

    After watching the detective and looking for a similar split personality movie, I came here because I knew what kind of movie it was, so I didn’t invest enough in the protagonist Gordon, who recently gave birth to a daughter. The pressure in life has increased sharply. He promised to complete the...

  • Cameron 2022-07-29 12:05:38

    Simon is everywhere

    Where do you live, Simon? I live in the weak and wounded... I think this is what the director wants to tell the audience. In Session 1-8, every time Simon is mentioned, it will cause a panic and tremor. Then as the music artificially or naturally breaks, it leaves people with suspense. We vaguely...