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September Reviews

  • Abigayle 2022-10-06 22:03:51

    "Feelings in the September Sky" is deadly and plain.

    Movie poster

    "Love in September" is Woody Allen's most unsuccessful commercial film, and it is also the dullest and least dramatic of all Woody Allen films so far. It is even more dull than the serious "Deep In My Heart" and more boring than the nonsensical "Midsummer Night Comedy". It is an indoor...

  • Alan 2022-10-06 20:44:36

    Life like summer flowers

    This movie feels a bit unfinished...Allen's movies are very dramatic, and Shakespeare has a sense of sight. Before the end of this movie, I thought it was pretty good, and the ending was too flat. It looks like it's over, so I give 3.5 (a bit I want to give 3)

    "Oh my God, someone actually committed...

  • Mozelle 2022-10-06 20:37:33

    Love in September

    Woody Allen must really like this lovely wooden house with a bright sun and gentle tones. Otherwise, how could he bear to temporarily leave Manhattan and put himself and everyone in a wall surrounded by no sky. Who wouldn't like this warm background? Until the end of the movie, I still think this...

  • Trystan 2022-10-06 20:23:35

    September, chilly in the morning

    Love for Woody's 1987 works. I saw it in 2013. At that time, people who couldn't understand the midlife crisis were boring and boring. It may be used as background music.

    Five years have passed in a blink of an eye, and I have to say that the timing of watching a movie is too important. Recently,...