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Secret Reviews

  • Dusty 2022-04-19 09:02:48

    fruitless flower

    Not every cluster of flowers can bear fruit; not every dream can be realized; not every relationship can last for a long time. Without a long-term relationship, it is a flower without fruit, silent in the golden autumn of harvest.  

    However, it was beautiful too.

    The romance between Xianglun and...

  • Blaze 2022-04-19 09:02:48

    The underrated movie in those years, time will give it its due value

    When "The Untold Secret" was released more than 10 years ago, perhaps because of Jay Chou's initial test, or because the online media was not so developed, many people thought it was a mediocre youth suspense film at first. I watched it when I was a kid, and I didn't think it was great, but my...

  • Elmer 2022-04-19 09:02:48


    At the beginning of the film, an ancient piano score appears on the screen, accompanied by grand and treacherous string music, showing a mysterious energy. This sheet music is the source of time travel, and the whole story starts from it.

    "I've heard of you before" "Oh, really." "You're a piano...

  • Brice 2022-04-19 09:02:48

    Unexpected Surprise - Watch "The Secret That Can't Be Told"

    Before stepping into the cinema, I thought this way, an ordinary person and a powerful person are very different in the degree of evil they commit. Because ordinary people have few resources, the bad things they can do are limited, and a person who has a lot of resources can do bad things, which is...

  • Kiley 2022-04-19 09:02:48

    I didn't understand, dragged and shot to death

    ☆★☆0o. Skip the nonsense part - Before the movie 7788 comments about Jay Chou in my mind   , I recommend everyone to watch "The Untold Secret" because the movie is good.   Jay Chou is a very talented young man. The first song "Dad, I'm Back" in the video store shocked me. Later, after he became...

  • Obie 2022-04-19 09:02:48

    I love you. Secret

    Catching up on the last midnight show.  I finished watching Joy's movie. He and Gui Lunmei. Can't say. secret.   Can't get used to the dark night and flashing neon. Can't adapt to the indifferent and blind eyes in the crowd. It seems like he hasn't recovered yet. Still immersed in the picture that...

  • Violette 2022-04-19 09:02:48

    Jay Chou has revealed the "unspeakable secret" in the music released before the movie

    Discovering an open secret Discovering an open secret, have you discovered it? In fact, the secret has been revealed in the lyrics of the movie theme song "The Secret That Can't Be Said" that was exposed in advance. Maybe Jay is testing our thinking~ ~~ For example: "The most beautiful thing is not...

  • Ismael 2022-04-19 09:02:48

    "The Untold Secret": Fortunately, there is a secret

    "What supports the whole film is the "unspeakable secret". If there is no "secret", then this film will become a very mediocre one among many youth love films. It can be seen that in order to make this film more interesting Story, even more characteristic and attractive elements, that "secret" is...

  • Torey 2022-04-19 09:02:48

    Love is a superstition at the right time and place

    1. Qixi Festival is the most sensitive to the festival. It seems that it is a long time before the Qixi Festival, so I saw various promotional advertisements for the Qixi Festival in the newspaper. It is really approaching, but it has been raining, which makes people worried. , Will the magpies who...

  • Madeline 2022-01-24 08:04:05


    Ye Xianglun and Lu Xiaoyu fell in love because they met on the piano, but Ye Xianglun always felt that Xiaoyu was full of mystery, had no friends and had a bizarre life. Every time Xianglun asked her, she didn’t answer directly and couldn’t get to know her further, because it was something...