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Secret Reviews

  • Justina 2022-04-20 09:02:27

    Maybe the sign of fate only allows us to meet

    This film was delayed until today due to the sudden appearance of many things. I still want to watch this movie alone. Heng said that letting him go to the movies alone is the fastest way to make him depressed.     I am neurotic, but I like to watch D movies alone.      I saw D all negative reports...

  • Jaime 2022-04-20 09:02:27

    "Unspeakable, Secret" is rich in humanistic spirit

    Jay Chou's first director's film created an ideal world in which people, things and things are perfect, a picture of paradise. This picture is rare in Chinese movies, so it is worth admiring. If someone thinks Jay Chou is a teenage entertainment idol and ignores his intentions and talents, it is...

  • Aaliyah 2022-04-20 09:02:27

    Lush and mottled, love

    A white shirt with a small white bow tie at the neckline, a gray wool vest on the outside, a fitted over-the-knee duffel skirt, and a pair of black leather shoes. This is the student days, when the sun slants on the blackboard, on the desk, on the exercise book, and on the correction fluid. The...

  • Anthony 2022-04-20 09:02:27


    Maybe we can't look at such a movie with too professional eyes. It is a story in itself. If you express it through the lens, if you feel something, that is the perfect effect. It reminds me of the past many years ago. I was saddened by the secret love of this tight and airless passage all day long....

  • Lavonne 2022-04-20 09:02:27

    Jay, you are really talented

    In fact, I have wanted to watch this film for a long time. Although Jay has directed several of his own MVs before, this is the first time for the film. The heroine is still the popular actress Gui Lunmei, plus the good box office and word of mouth, I Interest in it is growing. However, considering...

  • Alec 2022-04-20 09:02:27

    bounce back

    Unspeakable secrets, in a delicate environment and state of mind, unexpectedly touched some secrets in the bottom of my heart. It is incredible that I can meet you. If I can have a secret that cannot be told, it is even more beautiful and warm. I don't mean "unspeakable secrets". I don't know, at...

  • Monique 2022-04-20 09:02:27

    Secret Parsing (reposted by Sue)

    1. I understand this movie 100%, let me explain everything: Xiao Lun plays the piano faster than Xiao Yu` and because the piano room is about to collapse, he will play faster than usual. So he went back earlier than before. It was even earlier when Xiaoyu got the piano score. So at that time,...

  • Fabian 2022-04-20 09:02:27

    love that never disappears

    Everyone has an "unspeakable secret" in their hearts. At the moment of meeting, the secret creates love, and love carries the secret. In the passing time, the sound of the piano enriches the love, and the love melts into the sound of the piano. A poetic youth, Let's start with this....... I watched...

  • Kaia 2022-04-20 09:02:27

    ten years

    Time flies, and the 2007 film is almost ten years old. In retrospect, I have seen it about five times during this period. At first, I didn't understand it a bit, but later I felt that I wanted to take a serious look at the foreshadowing. I want to say that Jay Chou is still quite talented, and the...

  • Lola 2022-04-19 09:02:48

    A love that transcends time and space.

    Although I have read the introduction before I read it to know the general content. But the movie itself still gave me an unexpected surprise of a long-lost reunion.  For Lun Mei, the first recognition of her should be on the MV of "Our Love". At that time, I liked this skinny girl very much. After...