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Secret Reviews

  • Jan 2022-04-23 07:04:19

    love can conquer time

    The most discussed thing in the whole movie is the sudden turning point. Although it is not without foreshadowing, when the font written by Baixue Correction Fluid began to appear on the desk, it still shocked many people. The music also began to become mysterious, and countless question marks...

  • Braeden 2022-04-23 07:04:19

    Let me tell you a secret slowly

    Maybe I always do things a few beats slower than others. For example, when watching a movie, after the hustle and bustle outside has subsided, it seems that I suddenly remembered it and downloaded it to watch it. Although this is a bit outdated, it is also beneficial, that is, it will not be...

  • Jamey 2022-04-23 07:04:19

    "The Secret That Can't Be Told"

    Chopin and his beloved woman finally parted? Ten years is a long time, you seem to have something on your mind , I don't know , you should cherish it, the time you spend with me~ They smoke, don't listen to music, they are bad people, they are bad people if they don't listen to music? Of course,...h

  • Rubie 2022-04-23 07:04:19

    Destined for twenty years

    The verdant ivy The ancient piano room The yellowed keys The green first love  She owes him a secret that cannot be told He sent her an unfulfilled promise The air is unobstructed for a moment , a moment of warmth , a moment of laughter , a partner, but in the dark, the end of the world is old...

  • Georgiana 2022-04-23 07:04:19

    Beautiful love

    The yellowed sheet music and the black winding notes on it add a layer of mystery and history to the film from the very beginning, wonderful music, young love, the kind of people who want to say it but are ashamed to say it. The love that is spoken, the hazy half-covered face that still hugs the...

  • Orland 2022-04-23 07:04:19

    come to you

    Lu Xiaoyu, the last seat of the three groups. Ye Xianglun, the second seat in the second group. in the same classroom. I thought every time I looked back, I would see you. Will see your face just smiling at me. in twenty years. Allen is very good at the piano. He can play Chopin's waltzes smoothly...

  • Kadin 2022-04-23 07:04:19

    The underrated movie in those years, time will give it its due value

    When "The Untold Secret" was released more than 10 years ago, perhaps because of Jay Chou's initial test, or because the online media was not so developed, many people thought it was a mediocre youth suspense film at first. I watched it when I was a kid, and I didn't think it was great, but my...

  • Mozelle 2022-04-23 07:04:19

    Through twenty years, just to love you

    "Ye Xianglun, whether we can meet again or not, whether you will forget me or not, I just want to tell you a secret. I love you." After twenty years, the first person I see is a kind of fate. In the end, in order to love you, there is no way out. I came to you with a wound in the horizontal flight...

  • Eliane 2022-04-23 07:04:19

    Xiaoyu PK Meng Kerou

    After hesitating again and again, I finally chose to watch "The Secret That Can't Be Said" with my friends in the cinema,    40% because of Jay Chou, and the other 60% because of Gui Lunmei.   I can't forget her cynical appearance in the blue door. She always doesn't look good, with sharp eyes,...

  • Andreanne 2022-04-23 07:04:19

    Different eras, same secrets.

    Yellowed sheet music, printed and dyed ink blots, and music poured out. European-style campus, red wall attic, green vines spread, green grass Yiyi. Ye Xianglun. Newly transferred boys, music class. Road rain. A girl hiding in an old piano practice room, a music class. They wear school uniforms...