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Seaspiracy Reviews

  • Travon 2022-11-20 17:55:51

    sporadic thoughts

    After watching the whole film, I have a few scattered thoughts or questions.

    1. Media distortion. We mainly receive information from the outside world through the media. I used to think that the news released by the official media and official organizations was true, reliable and scientific. But...

  • Lexie 2022-11-12 13:10:21

    When discussing the issue of marine pollution, how can it be said that the fish will not hurt? ?

    The film said that fishing is the biggest factor in marine pollution, so the first way to save the ocean is to reduce the consumption of fish, oh no, it is to stop eating fish. The first half of the interview was very good, but I personally think the second half of the film is a bit unfinished.

  • Reginald 2022-11-11 21:30:36

    Sort out the logic of the documentary and the scientific research conclusions cited therein, welcome to continue the research

    This film was published by Netflix. It had previously published documentaries exposing cosmetics with plasticizer carcinogens and other ingredients, and finally directed to a "health cosmetics" that did not contain plasticizers. However, the film was later tested for urine tests only. The...

  • Beth 2022-11-09 06:40:23

    White Left Conspiracy

    2021/6/19 Update

    I saw a video at station B that had the same tone as my point of view, and recommended it to bean friends:

  • Elta 2022-10-27 21:22:13

    But it’s a game of commercial interests.

    The reason why an evil deed is exposed is only to cover up another bigger ugly. The fall of an interest group is only because another larger interest group is about to rise, and you can see and know it. Someone wants you to see and know it

    Everything from the elimination of plastics to sustainable...

  • Rogelio 2022-10-22 06:55:51

    The only thing I can do is to do my best to Amway this film

    1. Let’s talk about the killing of dolphins from Tai Chi Town, under the banner of endangered bluefin salmon, never mentioning that it is because of overfishing. The blame is on the dolphins and salmon fighting for food.

    2. In order to satisfy Asians’ desperate pursuit of shark fins, they hunted...

  • Ruthe 2022-10-17 22:06:16

    To eat or not to eat?

    The central point of the film is that rubbish and by-catch from commercial fishing may be the biggest source of ocean pollution. The reason why this is not widely recognized is because of money and interests. At the end of the film, it is also mentioned that on land, aquaculture is a major cause of...

  • Bartholome 2022-10-15 07:28:08

    fishing conspiracy

    There are many good documentaries recently, and this is one of them. The theme is environmental protection, about the shady story of the world's marine fisheries.

    The deep ocean is about human survival. She embraces what human beings do, provides us with wonderful moments and occasionally reminds us...

  • Ike 2022-10-15 02:54:00

    "Fisheries Conspiracy" after watching

    The "Fishing Conspiracy" documentary filmmaker had a childhood dream of making beautiful oceans, beautiful whales, but as he grew up, he ended up making a film about ocean pollution and overfishing. Now we all know that plastic is polluting the ocean, but this film is revealing another serious...

  • Lavonne 2022-10-10 23:54:23

    Rather than calling on people to be vegetarian, it is better to call first to stop over-producing meat products

    I watched Netflix's "Fishery Conspiracy" last week. From the beginning of the exploration of ocean protection to the final conclusion, it is actually better to be vegetarian than eating fish is not as good as imagined. This seems to be a common problem of some advanced environmentalists in...


Director: Ali Tabrizi

Language: English Release date: March 24, 2021

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