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Seaspiracy Reviews

  • Fern 2022-12-31 16:06:42

    "If you don't sweep a house, how can you sweep the world" is not necessarily true

    Last year, there was a very popular book "Travel of the Eel", which told the long history of human exploration of where the eel was born. They grew up in freshwater rivers, and then returned to specific ocean depths to spawn and die. It hasn't changed for thousands of years. What if they were...

  • Payton 2022-12-30 15:43:58

    Japan, BCI, hehe~

    a. Japan's claims of catching and killing dolphins are not convincing. Dolphins are smarter sea creatures than gorillas. And how keen is Japan on biological acting and genetic research? Individuals speculate that they are not only catching dolphins for eating and playing, but may also use dolphins...

  • Ora 2022-12-30 02:46:06

    The words "disgusting" and "cannibalism" are capitalized throughout the film

    Under the dome with Chai Jing in front of you, I will tell you that China's carbon emissions exceed the standard and affect the international ecological environment

    The United States has passed the stage of developing countries, passed the stage of excessive carbon emissions, and now you, the...

  • Brice 2022-12-26 00:09:48


    After watching a third of the time, I just wanted to complain about Taiji, Japan, when I saw [Shark's Fin Capital] HONGKONG

    It's a shame, isn't it?

    After reading it, you can't completely absorb all the details, but at least you know that the industrial chain derived from [commercial fishing] is...

  • Gerald 2022-12-21 02:42:31

    The nutrients of fruits and vegetables come from nutrients, why not skip this "middleman" and eat shit directly?

    "Why not skip the middleman of fish and get nutrients directly through algae." I can go to you. The nutrients of vegetables and fruits come from nutrients. Why didn't the person in charge of this company skip the "middleman" and eat shit directly?

    Although many new thinking directions have been...

  • Hoyt 2022-12-16 12:57:17

    The reason for the cliché is because the problem has not been solved yet

    Some netizens said that the content of the film was repeatedly mentioned in other documentaries. Is it because these problems have not been resolved? The new generation of environmental protection fighters have to use the latest social media and advanced imaging technology to tell us the problems...

  • Dawn 2022-12-13 09:40:50

    The United States should also have an unshirkable responsibility

    Japan is really overfishing and hunting dolphins. Statistics say that 12 dolphins are hunted for every live dolphin captured, and there is no market for dolphin meat.

    So why kill it? It’s because dolphins eat fish, which affects the profitability of fishing. And this is also the...

  • Dangelo 2022-11-30 06:44:08

    The ocean is not a bank, the earth is not a spaceship

    First put a paragraph of mechanical materialism worldview

  • Dejah 2022-11-22 11:17:39

    Mankind does not need to save the earth, the only thing that needs to be saved is mankind himself.

    1. The Japanese have the most developed commercial fishing, such as the world's number one Maru Harilu. Bluefin tuna has been eaten by 3% and is about to be endangered, 40% of which is caught by Mitsubishi in Japan. The Japanese gave themselves a reason to kill dolphins: if there are too many...

  • Adrain 2022-11-21 17:27:54

    You have the ability to choose

    From the documentary, it can be seen that fishery is seriously destructive to the entire marine ecological environment.

    Take the personal example closest to me. In recent years and especially these months, I have been arguing about the South Penang Island Reclamation Project. Everyone thinks about...