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Sea Fever Reviews

  • Dylan 2022-08-19 17:53:06

    Natural counterattack

    Humans’ long-term destruction of nature’s ecology has sounded the alarm, the temperature is rising, the disaster is frequent, the new crown pneumonia, and the movie has spared no effort to promote environmental protection awareness. It's much smaller, unlike the former, which tells about the...

  • Olen 2022-08-19 14:42:51

    Small cost deep sea monster movie

    3 stars, not bad this movie can be seen. The scene is more real and the actors' acting skills are online. The vast ocean, the mysterious monsters, and the sci-fi background setting without mysticism. Only the game between humans and nature creates a good atmosphere for the film. But subject to the...

  • Katarina 2022-08-19 14:41:01

    Shame heroine, negative teaching material

    The heroine is a PhD, studying marine biology, but she has not done her job well, and the operation is a negative teaching material.

    The first point is insufficient scientific research literacy. When the hostess encounters the slime passing through the tin boat, she directly pokes with a pencil and...