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Sea Fever Reviews

  • Kayden 2022-12-09 05:26:35

    The false name of American female doctoral students

    In fact, it can be taken very well at a small cost, as long as there is no IQ miscarriage. It's a pity that this film didn't do it. Why did you start this title? Let us first take a look at what the heroine does in this film. (There are no typos in the title)

    1. The meaning of the heroine's...

  • Alysa 2022-12-04 09:50:48

    Sea fever parasitic disease~

    In 2019, the science fiction horror movie " Sea Fever"

  • Eryn 2022-11-20 03:34:35

    A clear stream in a horror movie. . .

    You say this is a horror movie, but the people on this ship are quite amiable, loving each other, understanding the righteousness, the master, fairness, justice, and reason. . . . It can be called the light of small fishing boats. . .

    A giant tentacle beast in the deep sea should be a matter of time...

  • Gennaro 2022-11-17 13:33:45

    Small cost ambition, but it’s a pity

    Hello everyone, I am a scholar who studies the biological behavior of the Ultra-Abyss-although I only repeat this sentence in the second half of the film. To do research, I got on a boat, but everyone on the boat felt that my red hair would bring bad luck—though they didn't seem to use action to...

  • Alysa 2022-10-31 10:28:00

    Is it an illusion or reality?

    What if the whole movie was a carnival by the heroine who suffered from sea fever from the beginning? What if the sacrifice she thought was actually her fantasy?

    The background of the story is the deep sea monster, contact infection, isolated island mode, and the "ghost ship" that meets on a narrow...

  • Heath 2022-10-30 16:29:36

    Sea fever: This is a long-planned test

    Sea fever: This is a long-planned test

    This film review is an unprovoked conspiracy theory inference, any similarity is purely coincidental.The heroine of the movie has a low IQ. I guess it is because of a lack of budget.

    At the beginning of the film, everyone in the laboratory is celebrating the...

  • Cleve 2022-09-15 00:29:51

    Nothing is done, it’s a movie worth watching for anyone interested in this subject, and won’t be disappointed.

    4 stars to get points, I think this movie is worth 6 points in the same type of theme

    In fact, I have always been interested in the scene of fishing boats. I remembered a murder case involving a "Lu Rongyu" ocean-going fishing boat. It shocked me when I saw it. .

    Fishing boats are far away from the...

  • Westley 2022-08-19 23:58:08

    During the graduation season, why didn't the professor let her graduate? !

    This article was first published on the public account: MyShuttles, welcome to pay attention.

    Author: Early adopters

  • Aric 2022-08-19 23:21:17

    The story of the red-haired female doctor who went to sea to salvage President Ke for her graduation thesis, which later led to the death of the entire ship

    This is clearly the Cthulhu plot. Okay, let's start with the fluorescent tentacles of the deep-sea solitary sailboat. Driving into the restricted area, a group of people personally salvaged Ke Zong for greed. Ignorance led to not giving up even after seeing Mr. Ke's real body. Finally, the...

  • Demario 2022-08-19 21:55:56

    No IQ at all, can't stand it

    In this film, I saw that the hostess said that the infection needs to be isolated and cannot be disembarked.

    First of all, normal people know that parasites need to develop from larvae to adults to have the ability to reproduce, that is, larvae do not give birth to larvae, it is so simple! And how...

Sea Fever

Director: Neasa Hardiman

Language: English Release date: April 10, 2020