Travon 2022-01-08 08:02:42
Find yourself
Gertrude stein once said, America is my country, but Paris is my home town. I always feel that way about Paris. It's turned out cold but I don't feel cold. Across the street someone is playing “la vie en rose”. They do it for tourists. But I am surprised at how it moves me. It means seeing life...
Lottie 2022-01-08 08:02:42
once upon a time
Unfortunately, I have watched this film more than a dozen times. Although he is so old, Uncle Ford can be David’s father. Although David’s mother always wears super weird clothes and speaks super cold words. I think European and American movies have all educational meanings. Very inadvertently...
Aurore 2022-01-08 08:02:42
Sabrina fair
The name Sabrina fair is so beautiful, the male protagonist's routine is too deep, and finally in the office and the female protagonist suddenly confessed that the two before you and I were close to each other. The plot is a bit catching horses, Marie Su is a big drama, but the lines are very...
Irving 2022-01-08 08:02:42
Movie footnote: Love returns to Paris. You have to find yourself. Live more fully
Since I was a child, I have liked "Love Return to Paris" and "Under the Tuscan Sun." These two movies are often found on the hard drive when traveling as an adult. I like the appearance of Harrison Ford and the heroine, the atmosphere of Paris, the English accent of the heroine, and all the music...
Corene 2022-01-08 08:02:42
I'm looking at what I want...
Libra, I’m very picky about movies. One is that the scenes should be luxurious and romantic, and the other is that the protagonist should be comfortable to watch, at least not disgusting. The three plots should be beautiful, in line with my own vision. It seems that I am also obsessed with...
Rachelle 2022-01-08 08:02:42
Still like younger brother
Although Harrison played very well. But it feels that his brother is more real, Elizabeth is actually more suitable for his brother, and Sabrina is more suitable for his brother. If I’m Sabrina, I’ll choose my younger brother. Hehe, in fact, I feel that both brothers like Sabrina in the end. It’s...
Friedrich 2022-01-08 08:02:42
July 17th, The love u find is not what u think
For a very long time, I found myself lost in the real world sometimes, especially at night, at quite night, I am scared the night like that, I am scared that I will miss somebody, miss something, miss u. LOVE NEEDS COURAGE sorry, I am a coward, I am afraid of saying love, I hesitated the view from...
Amiya 2022-01-08 08:02:42
Fantasy is dangerous
Sabrina, do not worry for Martine. I tortured her, now she tortures you. Succeed? You'll get someone of your's own to torture. Sabina, Martina Do not worry, I'm sorry she is, she is now difficult for you , Succeeded, and then you go to embarrass others. Illusions are dangerous people fantasy is...
Edwardo 2022-01-08 08:02:42
The following are not subjective film reviews, but objective facts, suitable for in-depth fans of this film
1. Patrick Tyson has a line quoted as "I hope your first child is a boy." Mrs. Tyson said that this is a line from the movie Serpico. In fact, this is the line from the first episode of Godfather . It looks like a Gulfstream IV aircraft. She is actually a demonstration aircraft used by Gulfstream...
Trent 2022-01-08 08:02:42
rose colored glass--those lines make you want to go to paris
Amazing ,it is gone by so quickly. Gertrude Stein says:"America is my country ,and Paris is my hometown." I will always feel that way about paris I want so much for you to know what it is meant to me .It's turned cold out, but i don feel cold .Across the street someone is playing" la vie en rose...
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