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Roma Reviews

  • Haylie 2022-03-29 09:01:02

    [Rome] Where is the good? You have to see the history behind

    Although the film is called "Roma," the "Roma" here is actually the name of a middle-class neighborhood in Mexico City. Alfonso Cuaron , one of the "Three Mexicans" who has been in Hollywood for many years, used the camera to make an affectionate retelling of his long childhood memories.

  • Arne 2022-03-21 09:01:53

    women are always alone

    In the movie, Sophia told Cleo, who was pregnant out of wedlock and abandoned by her lover, "No matter what others say, we women are always alone."

    Yes, whether single or married, women are always single.

    The hostess, Sophia, is a chemist with an exquisite life and a well-informed book. She is a good...

  • Nyasia 2022-03-21 09:01:53

    "Roma" is not just about memories, 10 details to help you reinterpret the film

    Friday statement: As of this week, "Roma", which has won numerous awards at international film festivals, has been quietly put on the shelves in various Chinese theaters. It's like it was quietly released in major theaters, no controversy, no box office... I think this is the best treatment for an...

  • Conrad 2022-03-21 09:01:53

    Non-Standard Movie Reviews for Standard Fans: Zero Twenty-Seven

    Saw the movie "Roma" at the cinema.

    The title of the film does not refer to Rome in Italy, but Rome in Mexico, because the director grew up in Mexico. The stamina of this movie is so great that after watching it, there is an effect of going around the beam for three days, and I will think of...

  • Anastasia 2022-03-21 09:01:53

    Thrilling - blood and tears in middle-class communities

    1. Cruel Youth Story

  • Angelo 2022-03-21 09:01:53

    It's just a long shot and some editorial quick talk, and there is a bit of "people" in the back (this writing is a bit schizophrenic)

    First of all, I would like to state that I personally think that the long shot of this film is indeed a masterpiece, which is also what I like very much about this film. With the life of an exotic family and the lyrical plot trend, it is really an excellent viewing experience. However, I...

  • Stephania 2022-03-21 09:01:53

    How to understand the ideological expression in "Roma"?

    Not too much feeling. I just feel that the subject matter and perspective are the same as Jia Zhangke's nostalgia trilogy, and the depth is incomparable. The discussion of metaphors and ideology is somewhat obscene. Not to mention just moved out a large piece of Latin American ideology! The...

  • Mable 2022-03-20 09:01:44

    Does it have to be "historical"?

    Seven months ago I didn't take this comment about Roma by Miriam, and I still do today. Perhaps this national culture has never produced epics in the true sense since ancient times, or perhaps they are accustomed to an almost morbid enthusiasm for politics. The recipients of Chinese culture are...

  • Fay 2022-03-20 09:01:44


    I watched Roma at the IFC center with my friends. If it is out of ten, it would be a 7. Out of control, long-winded, dazzling, the warmth of the upper middle-class fun, it is no problem to cut it for half an hour (a big failure at the beach). Plain and simple will be more powerful.

    The first half...

  • Damian 2022-03-20 09:01:44

    Memories stained by love——Take care of the times and yourself through scars

    The film is an autobiographical film by director Alfonso Cuaron. According to the director himself, 90% of the plot in "Roma" comes from his own real experience. The prototype of the protagonist Cleo is Libo, the maid of the original director's house. At the same time, the film shows the real...


Director: Alfonso Cuarón

Language: Spanish,Mixtec,English,Japanese,German,French,Norwegian Release date: November 21, 2018