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Roma Reviews

  • Tina 2022-04-23 07:02:00

    love and rebirth

    Alfonso Cuaron described the film, which he had been working on for twelve years, as follows: "Drawing up close to a woman who raised me, she taught me that love is a mystery that transcends time and memory. "

    As a writer-director in the mature American film industry, Alfonso not only...

  • Tyrese 2022-04-22 07:01:23

    "Roma" | Everyone is deeply because of love

    In fact, a synonym for owning is struggling. Just like when you look at the sunset, you also get long shadows. There are no superficial people in this world, on the contrary everyone is deep because of love. Life is like that ocean, and it must be taken as an adventure, striving to cross every...

  • Wiley 2022-04-22 07:01:23

    What's so good about the movie "Roma"? Where is the bad? Let me just say it briefly.


    "Roma" is a feature film directed by Alfonso Cuaron, and it is also a big hit at the 91st Oscars. Director Cuaron often tries various genres. In the past, most of the films were linked to business, such as "Azca" The Prisoner of Class", "Children of Man", "Gravity", and this time trying to...

  • Skylar 2022-04-22 07:01:23

    "Rome" is not a one-day success, not a momentary hit

    Do not reprint working manuscripts. Violators will be prosecuted

    The 91st Academy Awards just came to a close on Monday. Alfonso Cuaron directed "Roma", which was nominated for 10 Oscars, and finally won three crowns for Best Director, Best Foreign Language Film and Best Cinematography. This is the...

  • Zackary 2022-04-22 07:01:23

    Looking forward to the 15 meters of waves, but only two meters of waves were set off

    Somewhat disappointed, "Roma" did not bring me more feelings and shocks, just like the line in the movie "The waves are fifteen meters high, how can there be only two meters." I was looking forward to giving me fifteen meters The stormy waves, but only two meters of waves were set off. Most of the...

  • Guiseppe 2022-04-22 07:01:23

    Life is shit you step on everywhere, and men are totally unreliable slappers

    When it comes to Mexico, the first impression in my mind is Frida, that contradictory, painful and mysterious woman, a woman who is both yin and yang, and who bursts out with strong strength.

    She hardly laughs, and in the self-portrait she also looks indifferent and arrogant, which constitutes my...

  • Kaci 2022-04-22 07:01:23

    Private Memory in Historical Shifts

    New Year's Eve Cleo looks out into the woods, the camera stops above the trees, and the flickering light can be seen through the treetops, which look like just fireworks until no one shouts the fire.

    The historical background of the film, whether it is violence or revolution, is like a fire across...

  • Kelsie 2022-04-22 07:01:23

    "Rome" - Aphasia under the Quiet Appearance

    "Roma" has many of the hallmarks of a historical documentary—black and white, restrained shots, and period houses and street scenes. Although it looks back at the times through the story of a family, it does not deliberately exaggerate the turmoil and vicissitudes of the family, there is no color,...

  • John 2022-04-22 07:01:23

    like drinking a glass of wine

    The long lens and the long fixed-focus lens and all the sounds that happened at that time are completely a world that can be perceived by the five senses of a person with a delicate mind.

    The opening scene didn't move at all for seven or eight minutes. Looking at it, I found that it was not just a...

  • Ladarius 2022-04-22 07:01:23

    good job.

    This movie is awesome.

    That long shot smothered me at first—still long shots are easy to get impatient with, but this one doesn't. Although the plane flew slowly in the sky behind, and the roar came from a distance a little too many times, but the first one, that amazing, had two words in my heart:...


Director: Alfonso Cuarón

Language: Spanish,Mixtec,English,Japanese,German,French,Norwegian Release date: November 21, 2018