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RoboCop Reviews

  • Braeden 2022-03-20 09:01:29

    Another almost sci-fi classic

    Robocop is one of my childhood memories, but only this character is left in memory, and the related storyline has long been left over in the years. Looking at it with no memory and comparison, it is barely objective. After watching it, the first feeling is that I am not satisfied. In terms of...

  • Rachelle 2022-03-20 09:01:29

    There must be a second one!

    The old RoboCop has forgotten the content, so it looks about the same as the new one. The remake doesn't seem to make people feel like fried rice. The film looks very smooth, and in the atmosphere of a black conspiracy, it makes people addicted. When I wake up, I become a robot. No one can accept...

  • Margarette 2022-03-19 09:01:04

    Robocop: America, looks beautiful? !

    Ukraine has been very chaotic recently. Not only the EU, Russia, but also the United States, which takes the world as its own responsibility, has also added a layer of oil to this fire. Not only did the Deputy Secretary of State meet and support the beautiful Tymoshenko in person, but also took out...

  • Keenan 2022-03-19 09:01:04

    Politics and Business

    I really don't know how to watch Taobao 3.8 movie tickets, so I just want to grab a blockbuster. A little regret, it is really heavy. Too much political, has been attacking the American polity, and saw the sad fate of Robocop. What heroes are just manipulated machines, and what technological...

  • Graham 2022-03-19 09:01:04

    simple and rude

    Taobao 3.8 festival movie viewing. The genre film of the birth of superheroes has countless templates applied, but nothing new. Motorcycle law enforcement looks like Batman, and helmet scanning looks like Iron Man. The film satirizes the dictatorial global domination of the United States and the...

  • Janick 2022-03-19 09:01:04

    Documentary battle -

    Thank you, the 3D glasses have finally been wiped off this time; the director estimates that he has more than 20 years of experience, high-speed motion shooting techniques, similar to the documentary-style real fighting scenes, immersive; the reasoning is awesome, the response is sensitive, the...

  • Jude 2022-03-19 09:01:04

    Director, did you make it? There were three more RoboCops in the 1980s, that's a classic!

    Off-topic:       At noon on Friday, several colleagues born in the 90s were discussing what movie to watch at night, and someone suggested to see Robocop. I interjected, isn't it an old movie? How did you get it to show? They told me it was 4. I'm agitated, rub it! 4 is finally out, so excited! In...

  • Rozella 2022-03-18 09:01:03

    Film review: The allure of industrial heavy metal

    ≪Robocop≫, compared with the old version, the new version reflects the influence of modern technology on machinery, and further explores the despicable side of human nature. And the two versions of the police equipment are different, as far as the new version is concerned, it can more visually...

  • Giuseppe 2022-03-18 09:01:03

    It is because of cowardice, fear, and fear that we are living human beings.

    First of all, Robocop looks so handsome after transformation. As a girl who doesn't like metal, even I was shocked by the armor after transformation, the perfect combination of strength and softness. The action of the male protagonist riding a motorcycle completely exploded the professor's flow....

  • Desiree 2022-03-17 09:01:04


    The new version of "Robocop" imprinted on my heart is not the cool action, nor the battle scene, but two sets of relatively static pictures. First, when the mechas on Murphy's body were removed one by one, only the transparent chest cavity and skull were left. Under the monotonous and cold light...