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RoboCop Reviews

  • Kyle 2022-04-23 07:01:34

    As a movie lover, my "Robocop 2" after watching

    As a movie lover, my "Robocop 2" review  1. I saw Samuel Jackson on the poster and decided to watch it without hesitation. Although I really don't want to see him play "The Avengers" such a big platter of Northeast rotten stew and spicy food that I can't even watch it.  2. I remember watching the...

  • Doris 2022-04-23 07:01:34

    Seeing the Sadness of Present Scientific Spirit from Robocop

    As the main developer of the Robocop program, Dr. Dennett has a lot of scenes in the film, and the film depicts his character is also very distinctive.   He first appeared at the Omnium Foundation Rehabilitation Center, using technology to provide assistance to disabled people and enable them to...

  • Zachary 2022-04-23 07:01:34

    The plot is flat, the content is rich

    This film seems to tell about the impact of high technology and human nature on human beings, but in fact it exposes the potential hidden dangers of human programming. What the director wants to let us know is that these secret groups behind the society, secret organizations led by illuminati,...

  • Jimmie 2022-04-22 07:01:05

    childhood memories

    I remember watching RoboCop when I was in elementary school. The walking "bang-bang-bang" and invulnerable image was one of the heroes in my childhood memory. Because I could only see these favorite dramas on TV at that time, like all the TV dramas I liked back then, I only had memories of the...

  • Camryn 2022-04-22 07:01:05

    The movie is so-so, sorry

    The adaptation of the story is not as good as the original. In this story, the boss is just for money. His team doesn't care about people's life or death, but it won't destroy people. The ending is too far-fetched, and it drags people back to the end of the original. On the contrary, if he admits...

  • Anita 2022-04-22 07:01:05

    Another disaster after Total Recall.

    After watching the film, I found out that Director SHIELD was just a mouthpiece, and when the end of the film depended on his mouthpiece, my bad experience came to an end. This is the second disaster I've encountered since the "Total Recall" remake. Looking at the cast, you can see that the...

  • Kole 2022-04-22 07:01:05

    This Robocop (2014) has nothing to do with the previous one

    I've watched Robocop 1, 2, and 3 several times, especially Robocop 1. Although it is an old film from 1987, its content and plot are all excellent, and both the protagonist and the anti-No. 1 act very well.    I also watched Robocop (2014) for 30 minutes, dragging the mouse to fast-forward, and a...

  • Nyasia 2022-04-22 07:01:05

    when man becomes machine

    In fact, I saw the old version of RoboCop when I was a child, but I was too young at the time. I just thought that becoming a RoboCop was very handsome, very powerful, invulnerable, heroic and mighty. Until I read the new version today, I have some additional understanding.        The theme of the...

  • Isobel 2022-04-22 07:01:05

    tragic hero

    The glorious image of Robocop still remains in my childhood memory. The cops at that time were like gods in my mind. There was no word "cool" at that time, and I couldn't find a suitable one. adjectives to describe him. However, this glorious image did not come into people's attention again until...

  • Easter 2022-04-22 07:01:05

    Robocop 10 Years Reborn 8.1/10

    When it comes to machines, about people - bullshit -         mentioning "heroes", I think a lot of people can have a few faces in their minds, especially the absolute vividness of the various superheroes in American blockbusters. For me, the memory of "hero" is a policeman who only shows his chin...