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Recount Reviews

  • Yessenia 2022-09-06 23:51:48

    Not well-crafted, but close to a less-than-ideal reality

    Ballot turmoil Recount

    TV movies produced by HBO cable television station, the picture quality is closer to TV series than big production movies. Mainly from the perspective of the president's campaign team to tell the story of the vote counting turmoil in Florida in the 2000 U.S. presidential...

  • Eduardo 2022-09-06 23:07:08

    High School Political Course Extended Course [Excerpt] Pan Yanwen of Gezhi Middle School

    The U.S. presidential election every four years is also a hot topic of concern for students.     Some students put forward, "The US presidential election is lively, Bush Kerry debates in turn, referendum is democracy, is our electoral democracy?", "Republicans and Democrats accuse each other of...

  • Jerry 2022-09-06 22:40:55

    Three speeches in the film

    James Baker, the core figure of Bush's campaign staff, said to the entire campaign after the election results were finalized: There may be many opinions about this campaign: we ended up with only 154 votes ahead; the governor of Florida is BUSH's younger brother; The Supreme Court's decision to us....

  • Idell 2022-09-06 18:58:59

    Democrat or Republican?

    It is an fairly accurate depiction of the time line of the events, but no so much for picturing the characters, since, naturally, it's from the democrats' point of view. Interestingly, James Bakers likes it while Warren Christopher does not. It is not about who won or who lost, just like what David...

  • Carmelo 2022-09-06 18:53:24

    The movie is about a point on the bright side, but the reality is the sea that is intertwined with light and dark

    The 2020 general election is in the stage of lingering voices. I have several feelings when watching this movie. In order to avoid the monstrous controversy in the past six months to the greatest extent, I will describe some facts that may be recognized to the greatest extent.

    1. Movies: Attack...