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Rachel Getting Married Reviews

  • Lisa 2022-03-25 09:01:12

    keep distance to get close

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change , the courage to change the things I can. The last scene is the most impressive, and perhaps the best plot in the film: Rachel accepts her like a standard good sister and takes care of her when Kym comes to her in embarrassment; Kym...

  • Jaylen 2022-03-25 09:01:12

    cactus longing for a hug

    I guess, as a delinquent girl who has been uneasy since she was a child, Kym has always occupied the center of her parents. The more hysterical she became, the more carefully her family took care of her. She was finally released from the drug rehab center, but it was because of her sister's...

  • Jimmie 2022-03-24 09:02:27

    I cried a lot while watching "Rachel's Wedding"

    When I bought this movie, I thought it was supposed to be a romantic comedy with gorgeous clothes, beautiful girls and handsome men, men who love women, and a joyous romantic comedy. I imagined the scene where I was lying on the big bed with a bulging belly, nibbling on the delicious small river...

  • Melyssa 2022-03-24 09:02:27

    Nothing can separate, just because too much love.

    The two-hour movie has so much going around, weddings, music, dance, and the joy of the crowd are nothing but beauty. In fact, the movie has always revolved around the core of family love. About the Kym family, her sister, father and mother. Misunderstanding, lies, jealousy, self-esteem, favor,...

  • Evelyn 2022-03-24 09:02:27

    If I were Kym, then I would kill myself.

    My mother no longer loves me. Because I lie a lot. I also killed her son. My father loves me but I always let him down. My sister hates me too. Because I always lied to her and brought her endless trouble. I am an addict. I lie. I am detoxing. i've been clean for 9 months. I killed my brother...

  • Thelma 2022-03-24 09:02:27

    kym questioned her mother

    Kym feels guilty and remorseful because he stoned and drove his younger brother's death; Kym's selfish family may not be happy, his mother may have been in a strong position, and the old man's father is often at a loss, so Kym will take drugs; The love of a father is sympathetic love, and the love...

  • Donavon 2022-03-24 09:02:27

    find happiness

    As the title says, what the director wants to express is quite straightforward. Emotional intersection of society, family, individual. Rich and wonderful. And the story comes from an extraordinary actor with outstanding personality, the former sweet sister can have such a change. Since it can break...

  • Gaston 2022-03-24 09:02:27

    From sibling rivalry to mother-daughter struggle

    But it's all real. Rachel's attitude is very real. Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will feel resentful for himself. Many children will deliberately do bad things in order to attract their parents' attention. Because Kym's been in trouble all the time and then their dad is real and a little...

  • Deonte 2022-03-23 09:02:25

    beauty beyond measure

    rachel's wedding I watched Rachel's wedding and didn't understand how Anne Heitherway was nominated for this film. I have always liked her more, she is a standard beauty, but unfortunately she doesn't seem to know how to use her beauty freely. Keira Knightley of the same level is different, and in...

  • Gerald 2022-03-23 09:02:25

    go home

    I rarely download the movie to watch it. This is one of the few movies. I didn’t know much about this movie before watching it. I just liked Anne Hathaway. Compared with the millionaire, Nixon dialogue, it seems more acceptable and more common. In fact, I like the director's shooting method. Many...