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Rachel Getting Married Reviews

  • Stanford 2021-12-25 08:01:17

    Forgive me for not having you in my life

    American director Jonathan Demme's "Rachel's Wedding" is very different from his previous serious, calm, and gloomy movies, although many elements in the film can still be reminiscent of the shadow of "Silent Lamb" or "Philadelphia Story" , But the overall film is bright and warm; coupled with the...

  • Chance 2021-12-25 08:01:17

    The true face of life

    The plot could have been like this: Rachel, a PhD in psychology, is about to get married, and her husband is a black man. Relatives and friends gathered at home to prepare for the wedding, and sister Kym returned home from the drug rehabilitation center. Kym's return revealed the sad past in the...

  • Angie 2021-12-25 08:01:17

    Parents in the movie

    A long tracking mirror like a family camera. Shaking and shattering. It seems to be inadvertently captured. For the first time I feel that HATHAWAY is beautiful. She is dressed and uncomfortable. You can play the lesbian in THE L WORD. There is real pain in my heart . She is not shameful. She is...

  • Arnulfo 2021-12-25 08:01:17

    Please don't treat kind expressions as a kind of harm

    It is rare to cry when watching a movie, and the strange thing is that "Rachel's Wedding" is not a tear gas.    Kym came back from the drug rehabilitation center to attend the wedding of her sister Rachel, which meant that she had to return to the family life she had been away from. But Kym's...

  • Cara 2021-12-25 08:01:17

    Rachel Getting Married: The Porridge of Life

    The reason why we like to watch movies is that life is too ordinary, especially the reason why Chinese go into the cinema to watch blockbuster movies. Although life is so dramatic that I see some people’s blog space and think that they are watching TV shows, but most of the time, we are basically...

  • Oliver 2021-12-25 08:01:17


    Rachel's wedding is the most ugly movie I have ever watched this year. Different from a confused detective. The latter can be described as boring, boring, and stupid. The former one is simply a disaster. It's not that the movie is a disaster, it's that after I watched it, I think this behavior of...

  • Braeden 2021-12-25 08:01:17

    Traveling on the edge of love and pain

    At the most important moment of the family, the sister’s return broke the peace that had been maintained for a long time, and the pains of the past were once again awakened. This is a spiritual journey that combines love and pain, staged in Rachel’s life. The most solemn moment in the world....H

  • Adelbert 2021-12-25 08:01:17

    Family, unspeakable love and pain

    At the beginning, it was Kym's irritable smoking shots. The gray tone and super fast speech made people feel anxious and urgent. Anne Hathaway has short yellowish hair, dark eye sockets, and a little too white cheeks. The exhausted days of recovery for several years made her want to go home crazy,...

  • Nestor 2021-12-25 08:01:17

    Securities investment, family, psychology, a movie

    Last weekend, I broke my finger when I hit the keyboard. I felt awkward when I hit the keyboard. But I found that I also had an unprecedented experience. The experience of eight fingers and the desire for eight fingers. I still maintain an optimistic and normal way of living in adversity. , And...

  • Johathan 2021-12-25 08:01:17

    The life of the lonely is destined to not be happy

    The candid angle of the shaking camera shows that this is a pseudo-documentary, recording the three days of life of a lonely person, Kymme. In the lens, we saw a lot of people with Kymme’s eyes, a lot of laughter, a lot of intimacy, and a lot of reunion, but we still couldn’t feel the happiness....