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Queer Eye Reviews

  • Miles 2022-10-29 02:13:12

    So pretty! Makes me cry, laugh and get angry (anger is because of wanton plagiarism in China)

    "If you don't like it, then don't wear it because of other people's eyes." I think this is a very magical look. It was reversed by "Why Are You So Beautiful" and "Fanxiong Rescue", which is so beautiful. The show consists of five main coffees: Carson is in charge of dressing up??, Thom is in charge...

  • Icie 2022-10-28 19:41:48

    I love fab5!!!

    Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful. Tears every episode.

    I can understand that the existence of this variety show is inseparable from the labels: queer, straight guy, change... If there are labels, there will be disputes, which is inevitable. But what impresses me is that these labels...

  • Armando 2022-10-28 04:38:47

    warmth + laughter - being gay means being normal

    It is already a revised variety show, but the idea is still so novel, let five gays help the "poor and lower-middle peasants" in the United States change their life status within a week.

    The five professionals invited have their own characteristics, and the men who "saved" also gave...

  • Anthony 2022-10-27 07:43:19

    love these five angels

    I love these five so much! They are never stingy in their appreciation and praise to others, and they also love to point to the problem with sharp humor. The energy of complaining is very strong, but the positive energy transmitted to others is stronger! If you ask me who is my favorite, I really...

  • Lane 2022-10-26 10:36:44

    To be positive, to go up, to live, all come from the love flowing in the heart

    Every comrade here has not been accepted by society or even his family because of his differences. After everything, they live out their truest selves, because they have love and are strong in their hearts.

    Five people love each other like family, each episode will help a straight man, it's really...

  • Garth 2022-10-25 17:03:53

    "Queer Eye": Please accept these five little angels

    Recommendation of film and television works

    New Feb 5

    Produced by Netflix, it is a reality show recorded by a group of five people, Feb 5, and an amateur who needs to be transformed. The English name of the show is "Queer Eye", and the Chinese name is translated into "Fanxiong Rescue". Queer can...

  • Constantin 2022-10-25 10:17:46

    Five professional and caring little angels

    Conscience variety show, everyone is very professional and dedicated to helping others, from appearance to living habits to inner construction, instead of giving some fancy decorations and unrecognizable makeovers. The suggestions given are basically to consider the problem from the perspective of...

  • Garret 2022-10-24 11:16:55

    I also want five little fairies like this

    After being watched by Weibo Amway, it is really heartwarming and warm. Five reality shows where gays save otaku straight men. They are good at cultural and psychological counseling, interior decoration design, gourmet cooking, clothing matching, beauty salons, and quilting. The transformed...

  • Dagmar 2022-10-22 23:36:04

    Save yourself like a queer

    Such a loving show, although the format of each episode is the same, but each episode, each protagonist and the super-warm queer quintet moved me.

    They are not easy, and they are lucky.

    I think everyone has such sloppy times when they need to be rescued. May each of us become able to become aware of...

  • Teagan 2022-10-22 10:05:48

    oh, change

    I recently watched Queer Eye, a variety show with an inappropriately high rating. The theme is to send five gays in each episode to help a person change his life. Jonathan, who has long fluttering hair, is in charge of beauty and hairdressing. He is a standard flamboyant performer. He walks and...