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Project Almanac Reviews

  • Dayne 2021-12-18 08:01:15

    The male lead said to the female lead: Let’s go sell the camera!

    It means going back to the past and correcting the future. It is no different from the butterfly effect, but it is a bit stronger than the butterfly effect. . . But the comparison is not outstanding. For example, "The popular question about time travel is much more fun than this.          But in...

  • Elza 2021-12-18 08:01:15

    Unreasonable ending design

    At the end, the actor burned the time machine back when he was 7 years old, and everything returned to its original state. Why is there a single camera still there, and there is still an extra one that is exactly the same, and the camera records it This is really unreasonable for the whole passing...