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Pride and Prejudice Reviews

  • Lucinda 2022-01-21 08:02:23

    One of the favorite old movies

    I don’t know how many times I’ve done it, and I still like it, and I’ve seen the color version remade in Italy many times. Although there are problems such as poor costume reduction, simple scenes, slightly exaggerated acting skills of the actors, and many details that are not shown, the...

  • Rozella 2022-01-21 08:02:23

    The wit and confidence of the dialogue

    Although to a certain extent, I couldn't accept the "biased" actresses in the movies I've seen, but I was convinced by this movie. It may be the play of acting skills, or it may be the wit of the dialogue. There are too many classic dialogues to list them all.     It may be difficult to understand...