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Ponyo Reviews

  • Toby 2022-04-23 07:01:51

    Bright Moon Breeze

    It is a world in which there is little need for suspicion and resentment. People respect and love each other and live seriously. Nothing fascinates me more than this world. The two little ones have no guesses, and they have planted the seeds that they do not want to be separated for a lifetime. The...

  • Brice 2022-04-23 07:01:51

    20 years later, Risa plays a song for Sosuke called Goldfish Princess

    As always, human and anti-human, environmental protection and natural ecology, pure love and great love, Miyazaki's theme has always been like this, every film must contain metaphors, and you can't really understand Ghibli if you don't understand these. Between Sousuke and Ponyo, in the final...

  • Gabriel 2022-04-23 07:01:51

    continuation of the magic

    magic.       Being able to escape his father's sternness, quietly, secretly, and secretly, he went to the hut on the edge of the cliff and met Sousuke.    magic.   The hands and feet that can change even the slightest irregularities according to their own wishes, even a father like a wizard can't...

  • Jeanne 2022-04-23 07:01:51

    beautiful nature

    At first, I was attracted by Hayao Miyazaki's style of painting. The round face and big eyes couldn't be more cute. Risa, Ponyo, and Sousuke all look like this. I like the image of the little red fish when Ponyo has not yet become a human being. Although she has a stubborn temper, I guess whoever...

  • Corene 2022-04-23 07:01:51

    children's fairy tale

    Grandpa Miyazaki is indeed old, and the animation he made is like a perfect fairy tale. He can't see the sharp human criticism in "Princess Mononoke" and "Spirited Away", and there is no fierce struggle between good and evil. In "Gold" It shows the goodness of human nature. I thought Sousuke and...

  • Violette 2022-04-23 07:01:51

    restore fairy tales

    Love this one more than Spirited Away. He was probably too poisoned by Zheng Yuanjie since he was a child. Of course, Spirited Away is really beautiful, and the pursuit of traditional details is touching, but the main line of the story is really a bit... The central idea is too concentrated. And...

  • Colten 2022-04-23 07:01:51

    cute pony

    I envy the pure love between Sousuke and Ponyo in the cartoon, without any impurities. Don't be fooled by false promises, and don't be easily moved by the surrounding scenery. I think only children can express this pure emotion. Beautiful things are always fragile, so that moves me. It is precisely...

  • Graciela 2022-04-23 07:01:51

    Across the ocean to see you

    That night, I watched three Hayao Miyazaki films in one go: "The Witch's Delivery Service", "Princess Mononoke", and "Ponyo on the Cliff". The first two were his earlier works, and the latter one was later . But my favorite is the last one. It's been a long time since I watched it, and I haven't...

  • Josiane 2022-04-23 07:01:51

    Doubts in Yuan Yiyuan's story

    The whole story is not good. Perhaps, as some film critics have said, Miyazaki likes the details and doesn't care about the plot itself. There are a lot of doubts, and I can't help but want to use my thoughtfulness to sort out the story. The Fountain of Life is pure seawater energy. On the one...

  • Albina 2022-04-23 07:01:51

    If there is a embrace brave no matter the cost, don't let me fly and surround me tenderly

    When Ponyo jumped up from Sosuke's hand at the end of the film and let Sousuke kiss her and the magic took effect, Ponyo finally got her wish and became human. The chubby girl... I finally laughed happily. I love this fat little goldfish so much, I really want to pinch her chubby cheeks. Hayao...