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Point Break Reviews

  • Calista 2022-04-24 07:01:16

    I think I can write a more perfect script for this movie.

    It can be said that The Thief is the most shocking movie about extreme sports I have seen in recent years. If the middle plot is excluded, then it is perfect.

    I have a more suitable script in mind.

    The identity of the male protagonist remained unchanged from the beginning. After completing the...

  • Alexandrine 2022-04-24 07:01:16

    big love, thrilling

    The director is really crazy, he dares to make such a thrilling movie, and there are no special effects in the whole process, the adrenaline of the whole person is soaring.

    I hope that in the future, I will be able to make more intuitive movies to satisfy the audience's appetite. Now the audience's...

  • Weston 2022-04-24 07:01:16

    Point Break

    The plot is a bit inferior, supplemented by esoteric chicken soup-style lines, extreme sports crime, extreme sports pursuit and extreme sports death, which are created by magic, the ultimate visual experience combining extreme sports and nature, and it is also the eight major tests and extreme...

  • Elouise 2022-04-23 07:03:09

    The real inside story of the thief

    The "special effects" in Extreme Thieves are done by the extreme athletes. In order to pursue real effects, three stunt athletes died in the filming of this movie. I hope you all have some respect for this movie. This film interprets the free pursuit of "this is my path", and expresses that he is...

  • Scot 2022-04-23 07:03:09

    Recommended Movie 9 - "The Thief" extreme sports can be beautiful

    This movie made me feel the charm of outdoor extreme sports for the first time. This combination of physical limits and the magic of nature makes people appreciate the extreme challenges of individuals, but also feel the magical construction of nature and the magic of human beings. The...

  • Maverick 2022-04-23 07:03:09


    It's not so much a police and gangster movie, it's a documentary, I like the way they made the movie feel like National Geographic, the scenery is so charming.

    Even if I know that there is a double star, even if I know that the picture has been post-processed, I still believe that it is a real shot...

  • Carrie 2022-04-23 07:03:09

    Nature always makes people small

    I watched this movie after the accident from An Nao Nao, and I admire her very much. For more than 20 years, she can live a wonderful life that others can't live for decades. Death is not terrible, and terrible things have never really lived.

    The special effects of this movie, as well as the actual...

  • Madyson 2022-04-23 07:03:09

    We all die, the question is how

    A group of extreme sports fanatics, in fact, their essence is the love of nature! Get into it completely and challenge yourself. They have truly revered nature and looked down on life and death.

    If you choose this path, keep going.

    Appreciate the natural scenery and explore personal pursuits. A...

  • Laurianne 2022-04-23 07:03:09

    The path you choose is yours.

    Attracted by the exciting and beautiful extreme sports pictures in the short film, I came to watch the whole film. It was found that this is an extreme sports film connected by a weak criminal clue, and the extreme scenery and youthful restlessness that follow these sports are also very...

  • Nyasia 2022-04-23 07:03:09

    extreme challenge

    In the process of integration with nature, with the help of modern high-tech means, human beings can maximize their physical and mental potential and challenge themselves to recreational sports. In addition to pursuing the spirit of "higher, faster and stronger" in competitive sports beyond its own...