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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Reviews

  • Monica 2022-04-23 07:01:02

    To The Black Pearl

    With the aid of teaching aids, the dream of watching movies on the big screen has been fulfilled. There was a roar of "fire" all around, and the sound of the wind from the launch of the chain bomb was all in my ears. It seemed that the naval battle in which I was involved made me tremble and...

  • Alexis 2022-04-23 07:01:02

    Really nice! It's the kind that makes one's blood boil.

    Especially when Captain Jack appeared, he was so handsome! Can't see enough, really can't see enough.

    The most exciting thing is that Jack was sailing on a ship when he appeared, but it was a broken ship and was about to sink.

  • Brooke 2022-04-23 07:01:02

    Pirate Style Classic Movie

    Jack is an uncompromising liberal, not greedy for money, enjoys loneliness, enjoys life at sea, wandering, bohemian, good and evil, clever, and will stand up when he sees evil. The character confirms this image. It was successfully created. The series of films successfully created the classic ip...

  • Karson 2022-04-23 07:01:02

    Pirate Style Classic Movie

    Jack is an uncompromising liberal, not greedy for money, enjoys loneliness, enjoys life at sea, wandering, bohemian, good and evil, clever, and will stand up when he sees evil. The character confirms this image. It was successfully created. The series of films successfully created the classic ip...

  • Evangeline 2022-04-23 07:01:02

    captain Jack

    Captain Jack Sparrow, with a naturally bohemian and maverick personality, walks the path of self-indulgent and cynical pirates.

    He has pursuits - the Black Pearl, principles - pirate spirit, hobbies - free exploration, can give creative solutions to problems from a unique perspective, and step by...

  • Lottie 2022-04-23 07:01:02

    pirate world

    There are two kinds of movies.

    A kind of writing about people, such as the loyal dog Hachiko, who smells fragrance and knows women. The stories between the people inside can actually have no world at all, because the communication between them is so private that they can independently...

  • Hollie 2022-04-23 07:01:02

    freedom in solitude enjoy loneliness

    I really like the Pirates of the Caribbean series

    The moonlight sprinkled, and the pictures of skeletons walking on the seabed at night shocked me

  • Benny 2022-04-23 07:01:02


    The foreign blockbuster series is one of the few that I like to watch. It belongs to the type of American blockbuster that not only can be watched with pictures and special effects, but has no connotation. I think the good thing about this series is that it is not like our domestic film and...

  • Austin 2022-04-23 07:01:02

    Adventure Romance to Die

    After the second brush, I felt that I saw more things. Jack and the pirates seemed to be selfish. They only looked at the interests and didn't care about the safety of their companions, but they were always the ones who helped in times of crisis. I really fell in love with Jack, a selfish and...

  • Ima 2022-04-22 07:01:02

    I've seen a few of them, they're pretty good

    I watched one season in theaters before watching the other seasons! I also heard about this movie later, the special effects are hundreds of millions! ?In every way, I think this is a movie worth recommending! Its special effects are really too real, and at the same time, it is very burning and...