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Pinpon Reviews

  • Nolan 2022-10-20 01:27:40

    I'm just a shallow ARATA face powder

    The movie itself is naturally incomparable with Yuasa's animation, but the casting is amazing. I am 120,000 grateful to the director for choosing ARATA to play Xiaoye, just as I am 120,000 grateful that RTD chose Titi to play Casanova.

    15 years ago, ARATA and Kuozuka, one was as beautiful as the...

  • Cade 2022-05-13 23:13:59

    Riding the wind and waves in a boat of friendship

    The sea is very good at making youthful and bloody movies. The two male protagonists have full marks in the casting. They have the feeling of comics, and they both have a very youthful feeling. The chemical reaction between the two people is also very strong.

    Some exaggerations are used to advance...

  • Jeanne 2022-05-13 23:00:16

    Just write a few words about my beloved laugh ><

    First of all, I have to say that making a sports-themed work into such a warm overall atmosphere... I have never seen it before _(:з"∠)_ In fact, my heart is not very passionate, and I prefer friendship and love to dreams For me, this five-star rating is a must. . . . . . Well, in fact, five stars...

  • Tess 2022-05-13 22:38:01

    [Reading and reading] Stay here, I'm going to cry for a while

    Lost again. You lie down on the table, panting like a dead dog. The stadium is empty and you are left here, alone. The plastic smell of the racket is disgusting, you feel a cramp in your stomach, you're about to throw up. People like Hoshino who skip class every day can dominate the...

  • Deonte 2022-05-13 21:02:09

    I feel warm for some reason

    Sports-themed movies feel that the main body is not ping pong or sportsmanship itself , Hero, Hero is not left out of the mouth, there is no boring heroism, no struggle, no struggle, no good people beat bad people, no hard work, no silly truth, life Need to be in time to feel the warmth...

  • Teagan 2022-05-13 18:26:25

    You can fly,like the Butterfly

    Sometimes watching movies can be very accustomed to exaggeration, and exaggeration is one of the reasons why movies are good-looking, or funny or inspirational are all necessary for the theme of the story. However, when some links of sports-themed movies that should be inspirational are infinitely...


Director: Fumihiko Sori

Language: Japanese,Cantonese Release date: July 30, 2004

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