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Phoebe in Wonderland Reviews

  • Gina 2022-01-24 08:03:44

    I really like elle fanning, really

    I have always liked elle Fanning. I think she is so innocent and cute. She is   also very good at acting. When watching her supernatural powers, she discovered how the girl looked a bit like her. It turned out that she has a twin sister. The two sisters are really powerful and   cute. The acting is...

  • Izaiah 2022-01-24 08:03:44

    You keep me awake.

    Those pains are vivid when I look at the physical and mental suffering. I tighten my fingers and gradually become numb. Sometimes there are things that don’t necessarily have to be understood by the subject as long as I am moved. Because I jumped the grid when I was a kid, because I know that every...

  • Rebeca 2022-01-24 08:03:44

    This is not a simple obsessive-compulsive disorder. Phoebe’s childhood story of serious obsessive-compulsive disorder

    Seeing someone in the short comment that Phoebe is a literary and artistic story earlier? The director's mystery? Is it a story of obsessive-compulsive disorder? No, none of the above. The point of this film is that Phoebe can't control her behavior. She suffers from congenital obsessive-compulsive...

  • Arne 2022-01-24 08:03:44

    Phoebe In Wonderland, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Child Philosophy

    I'm this person. When I kept washing my hands so that my joints bleed, when I jumped into the grid, and then I fell down. Children's philosophy. When we were children, no one read this philosophy. When we grew up, we forgot. Obsessive-compulsive disorder has always existed. It is the only thing...

  • Hiram 2022-01-24 08:03:44

    Be yourself

    Pheobe in wonderland originally thought it was a fun, fun, relaxed and happy children’s video. I wanted to awaken my lost childishness and find some innocent happiness, but gradually, I looked at something and found something wrong, like a little girl’s light blue eyes. Staring straight at me,...

  • Quinn 2022-01-24 08:03:44

    Every child has a wonderland in his heart

    It may be disappointing and cruel to see the world from the perspective of a child. When we were young, we were innocent, unaware of the hardships of life and the sinister human nature, and imagined the world so beautiful. Once this beauty in our hearts is destroyed, we may fall into a strange...

  • Jimmy 2022-01-24 08:03:44

    Eternal loneliness

    At the end of last month, I watched "Phoebe in Wonderland" and I always wanted to write something. I haven't moved. I have insomnia tonight. Instead of staring in a daze, it is better to jot down my messy thoughts. I like posters. Behind the petals of sunflowers, the sensitive face of the little...

  • Elroy 2022-01-24 08:03:44

    we all are

    D: Phoebe, why are you here? P:Look.     I think about Alice's falling.     And I look down, and i get scared. D:Yes.     P: I don't want to do those things or say those things.     I just have to...except here. Everywhere else, I feel ugly. D: I want to tell you something which may not make any...

  • Westley 2022-01-24 08:03:44

    I am such a person

    When I saw the words "Alice in Wonderland", I picked out this DVD. I have always liked this book, so I bought it naturally when I saw a movie with this plot as its plot.         I have always liked this kind of children's movies. Unlike China, there are very good directors in the West who are...

  • Katelyn 2022-01-24 08:03:44

    Wonderland. I thought we loved it together

    I thought you loved Looking Glass Land, Wonderland. I thought we loved it together. What is obsessive-compulsive disorder? You memorize words, memorize over and over again, and do not memorize 100 uneasiness every day. Is it obsessive-compulsive disorder? You do the exercises one by one. If you...