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Phoebe in Wonderland Reviews

  • Stephon 2022-04-19 09:02:48

    open my fantasy rafting

    Wonderland does not mean beauty, no matter fantasy or reality, evil and beauty will exist at the same time. Little Phoebe's perspective is even more unique. He is not constrained in thought, but keeps divergent, not blindly focusing on gorgeous and elegant things. This kind of bizarre dream seems...

  • Alta 2022-04-19 09:02:48

    We always think about not becoming boring adults, but reality doesn't allow it.

    When we were young, we still wanted to become adults, but as you get closer and closer to the world of adults, you will find that adults are really boring, and it is difficult to be adults. I am already on my way to becoming an adult. At this age, I am considered an adult in the eyes of others, but...

  • Leo 2022-04-19 09:02:48

    People go through the cycle of being in a cocoon and then breaking out of the cocoon all their lives

    A good film about family and parenting. In a sense, everyone's heart is flawed, caused by various reasons, DNA, or the mother's health status at a certain stage of pregnancy, the family of origin, etc., creating the inner prototype of each person. This is not important, it just shows that perfect...

  • Derick 2022-04-19 09:02:48

    Between "me" and "myself"

    The distance between "me" and "self", perhaps the distance between reality and dream, is subtle and magical, perhaps not so magical. But it's definitely subtle.

    When we want to be ourselves, we must first know who that "self" is? Otherwise, you may only be trapped in "me". "I" can be seen in...

  • Theo 2022-04-19 09:02:48

    Every childhood has a Phoebe

    As Phoebe's mother said in the movie, she thinks that every child will be like this. In fact, more or less, there is a little bit~ Every child seems to be such a Phoebe in their childhood.     It is undeniable that when I was a child, I used to fantasize that the building blocks I played with, the...

  • Marshall 2022-04-19 09:02:48

    she is just especial

    Phoebe, an imaginative child, has the pressure of being a child, so he has some obsessive-compulsive disorder. Love this film and Phoebe, although she's not the same as normal kids, she's just a little bit sharper than them. I prefer Phoebe's mother, a very responsible mother. Not every child...

  • Alexane 2022-04-19 09:02:48

    she's astonishing

    I saw this poster a long time ago, but I never downloaded it to watch it. However, it turns out that this is a film that made me meet late, and saved me from the heavy burden of just watching "HOME" Part of it came out, and it also reminded me of the name Elle Fanning. In the process of watching...

  • Delia 2022-04-19 09:02:48


    The little girl Phoebe has obsessive-compulsive disorder and is born with Tourette's syndrome. She sketched out a wonderland. She can see the Q of Hearts and try to run fast with her but stalls, and she also talks to a lot of Alice in Wonderland people, although these are fantasies. Many saw the...

  • Kurt 2022-04-19 09:02:48

    All please look to the good:

    Phoebe is a little girl who is only ten years old. She often loves whimsical things. She often fantasizes about many things that only exist in fairy tales but cannot happen in reality. Phoebe's school decided to rehearse a classic stage play "Alice in Wonderland". For Phoebe, who loves fairy tales...

  • Jeff 2022-01-24 08:03:44

    I don't want to ruin slowly

    After watching the film, watching other people's film reviews were all about obsessive-compulsive disorder, and I only knew that the little girl had a mental illness. However, when I was watching a movie, I didn't think the little girl had a mental illness. I thought she was a child full of...