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Perfect Strangers Reviews

  • Jalyn 2022-11-17 17:58:44

    perfect stranger

    There are also some touching moments: 1. The wife found out that her husband went to see a psychiatrist. The husband said: Even if it was a waste of time, I would try any method. Even if we break up in the future, it can be said that we have done our best. This reminds me of Lin Xinru's movie...

  • Rico 2022-11-17 00:18:41

    It's up to you to say it for years

    ——No matter what kind of life you take, you always have to lift your chin and raise your sails . Life is to accompany you all the time while laughing and watching you keep falling and getting up again. The 25-year-old is full of fragrant flowers and strong love. She is very generous and cares for...

  • Neil 2022-11-16 17:24:52

    true & good

    True, everyone has secrets. Want to explore the secrets of people around you through a mobile phone? The fragmentation presented at the end of the film seems to be negative. Privacy is an issue that is often discussed in this online society. Because in the era of information explosion, privacy is...

  • Briana 2022-11-16 11:25:50

    If the feelings can't be true to themselves, in which mobile phone can the secret be hidden?

    When I was a child, everyone sneered at the people they hated, thinking that I would never become such a person in the future, but fate is always happy to play with people. The best thing is to polish the rough and polygonal stones to a smooth and round shape, and you are powerless to resist He...

  • Mollie 2022-11-15 19:51:30

    How is Perfect Stranger (Spanish Version) different from the original?

    Found out that a lot of soybean oil is new, or has been busy for years and has no time to watch movies. For those of you who have just seen the original movie, don't come to comment. The movie is very profound and definitely good, but it's not suitable for it to be treated as a new thing after more...

  • Ezequiel 2022-11-11 02:24:19

    understanding and respect

    We always think that we just haven't found the perfect other half, but with this mentality, even if we meet a suitable enough partner, we will continue to search with this supreme expectation. Can't choose and can't be responsible for the choice but always want to get more greed, worry about gain...

  • Jana 2022-11-04 17:11:18

    romantic phone

    ? 47th movie. Still in the Changsha B&B.

    When I watched this movie, I didn't know there were multiple remakes, and the one I downloaded randomly was this one from Spain.

    Stunning, at first glance it feels amazing. A living room, a balcony, an off-site curtain, and seven actors are simply configured,...

  • Alexa 2022-11-01 00:03:55

    perfect stranger

    The long road of life, choose one person to die. We all have ordinary and simple emotional dreams. But countless times in the road of life, I found myself just being dragged away by life. When you were just 23 or 4 years old, everyone was already playing the game of "snatch the bench". Whoever...

  • Demarco 2022-10-19 14:51:43

    Negative emotional resonance in adulthood?

    To be honest, watching Perfect Stranger didn't give me a good experience, I was just watching the fun. Among the several versions, my favorite is the original Italian version, and I personally have some feelings for the original version, so why watch Mr. Qian named in Spain! ! (Haha) Of course,...

  • Robyn 2022-10-19 07:04:16

    I think marriage must be about love

    When I just watched it, I felt a little depressed. Fortunately, the final result pulled me, so that the whole person would not fall into contemplation.

    Maybe I'm like the seven people inside, hiding the ugly, I hope they don't reveal it, or I can't face what they reveal. If they...