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Peeping Tom Reviews

  • Wendy 2022-12-29 17:38:51


    It's not that Mark hasn't tried his own redemption. He dropped the weapon aimed at Helen's mother, and after she gave her advice, went to his father's former admirer, a psychologist, to ask if voyeurism could be cured. However, the other party completely ignored his questions and only cared about...

  • Kimberly 2022-12-27 08:29:22

    face of fear

    If fear had a face, would you photograph that eternal moment? Gather fears because you have been haunted by fear all your life. The old experimenters also started their own experiments. He's a voyeur, but it's not beauty, it's the twisted faces of fear and death that fascinate him. This is the...

  • Sammy 2022-12-23 16:11:29

    Refreshing the concept of old movies

    It may be the first time to watch an old British movie, and I am amazed by the leading film technology at the time. A film from the 1960s, the movie style is also so advanced, watching this movie now does not have the "uncomfortable feeling" of watching old movies in general, mainly Thanks to the...

  • Clay 2022-12-23 05:24:28

    No depth, no vulgarity——On the deep-level characterization in the movie "Voyeur"

    From the perspective of the serial killer Mark, "Voyeur" tells about his special hobby: filming the whole process of murdering women, capturing the terrified faces of the deceased, and often "revisiting" them for pleasure. However, in the process of telling all this, the film shows the killer...

  • Zelda 2022-12-21 03:10:28

    Roger Ebert's review of the film in "The Great Movie"

    Movies make us voyeurs. We sit in the dark, watching other people's lives. This is an agreement the film made with us, although most films behave too well to not mention it. Michael Powell's Voyeur breaks the rules and crosses the line. The 1960 film tells the story of a man who filmed his...

  • Leta 2022-12-19 16:49:12

    A lighthearted thriller - 1960's Grave Digging

    The point is that in 1960 I saw the film entirely from a cinematic point of view. The lens is simple and rich, the color theme of the picture is unified, the color is simple, colorful and fresh, and the soundtrack is excellent. The action styles of the characters are also unified. The content is...

  • Jeffry 2022-12-01 21:20:47


    In the 1960s, Martin Scorsese and his friends Francis Ford Coppola and Steven Spielberg scoured all the movie theaters in New York to see a banned film. The author of this film is called by Scorsese as the mentor who led him to the door of the film, and the master has almost disappeared from the...

  • Allen 2022-11-26 06:50:34

    Voyeurism and Movies

    In "Three Treatises on Sexual Desire", Freud classified "peeping" as one of the psychological mechanisms that produce sexual pleasure. He believed that people's desire to spy on others' privacy originated from childhood and from curiosity about their own life and origins. . This desire is a kind of...

  • Julianne 2022-11-21 13:26:25

    Red Fear - A Game That Can't Be Ended

    Speaking of British cinema, flip to a late 1950s thriller.   "Look out" "Take care" or "being watched", the Trailer said.     The movie starts with this open eye. Shots within shots, shifting, transforming, advancing. Then came the terrified eyes, the hysterical screams, the twisted faces in the...

  • Wayne 2022-11-17 09:53:45

    Michael Powell's Voyeurism (Spoilers)

    Voyeur is the British version of The Psycho. "Voyeur" leans toward sex, "Psycho" leans toward violence. The source of "Voyeur" is the father, and the source of "Psychopath" is the mother. "Voyeur" ruined the director's life, "Psycho" avoided the limelight. The 1960 Stake To be exact, director...