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Paper Lives Reviews

  • Gladyce 2022-10-05 23:58:25

    Paper is not life, and content

    Life as Paper (2021)7.32021 / Turkey / Drama...

  • Lyda 2022-10-05 16:49:01

    I want to reunite my abandoned childhood with my mother

    The story of a group of "Why Home", their lives are as fragile as paper, they will rot in the corner when wet by wind and rain, but they can also write touching stories on paper, live positively, and redeem their childhood.

    Muhammad, the leader of the waste recycling station in the impoverished...

  • Barton 2022-10-05 16:44:52

    Paper is not life, and content

    Life as Paper (2021)7.32021 / Turkey / Drama...

  • Tre 2022-10-05 10:14:41

    Watching record of the movie "A Life Like Paper"

    The 18-minute viewing record of the movie "A Life Like Paper" introduces the protagonist's situation, the waste recycling boss, who is in poor physical condition, and is waiting for a suitable kidney transplant. A notebook leads to the task of finding the second man, which is to help his buddy find...

Paper Lives

Director: Can Ulkay

Language: Turkish Release date: March 12, 2021

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