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Open Range Reviews

  • Godfrey 2021-12-31 08:03:07

    Cowboys don’t die, they will only fade away


    In 1882, Boss Spielman, Charlie Witt, Mus Harrison, and Button were the four cowboys of the American West. They ran a herd of cows, wandered around, had no permanent homes, and still lived in untimely conditions. Nomadic life. This aroused the dissatisfaction of the farmer Denton Bucket....

  • Elenora 2021-12-31 08:03:07

    Western films are a kind of feeling for some people

    Western films are a kind of feeling for some people . Freedom friendship Justice defend what you love is written in the trailer of the movie. This is what the director wants to express . I think some film critics. Or some professional people have written too hypocritical, a film that is...

  • Geraldine 2021-12-31 08:03:07

    If old Clint Eastwood had gone, Kevin Costner would be the only cowboy in Hollywood

    When watching this film, I always think of Unforgiven. In fact, the two films are not in line with each other, but I think Kevin was greatly influenced by Eastwood. For example, movies always have a preaching meaning in them. Of course, the preaching of the old Eastwood is not obvious. It is more...