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Nói albinói Reviews

  • Bartholome 2022-07-09 20:29:40

    [Film running account] Noi.The.Albino

    The memories of 2004, inexplicably want to post today ———— The small town in Iceland always looks beautiful and quiet. When I opened the door in the morning , I found that the snow in front of the door was higher than myself. I simply went back and went back to sleep to wake Noi up, my grandmother...

  • Teagan 2022-07-09 19:11:19

    There is no escape from life

    I started getting interested in Iceland this winter. Inexplicable. Listening to Sigur Ros and Bjork, it seems that the snow is filling up just thinking about it. Perhaps it was too boring to stay in Beijing, and I couldn’t walk away, and it was not the right time to go to many places in winter....c

  • Erna 2022-07-09 13:56:10

    Watch "Noi Albinoi"

    Two styles of movie posters. There are two translation names: iceberg sailing to tropical islands / flying over snow nostalgia. Noi is not strictly a bad boy. He looked like, occasionally doing crazy things - robbing a bank with a shotgun, climbing on the roof of Iris' house, giving up exams. and...