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Nocturnal Animals Reviews

  • Laverna 2022-03-22 09:01:33

    Just another revenge story?

    It took two days to watch the movie, which is usually not the case. But it is especially suitable for "Nocturnal Animals". Like the heroine Susan, she opens the novel again and again and falls a little bit.   Let's talk about the shortcomings first. This is Tom Ford's second film, and he maintains...

  • Anastasia 2022-03-22 09:01:33

    Don't make a big change lightly

    "Young people who insist on going back are worthless." It was the dialogue at the beginning that gave me the desire to watch it, otherwise I might fast-forward and skip the narrative for a while. When the plot entered the novel stage, I was really brought in. At this time, I was still guessing...

  • Seamus 2022-03-22 09:01:33

    we can never go back

    The noisy restaurant was deserted, Susan left alone in the restaurant and waited alone, and the movie ended slowly. There is so much to say, but it seems impossible to start. I just remember Susan's delicate, poignantly sad eyes, and even after the movie ended, I couldn't help but wonder how sad...

  • Guillermo 2022-03-22 09:01:33

    Abridged full version comparison

    Watching the abridged version on a computer for the first time. Second time watching the full version on the big screen. Disagreement is revenge, and more of a letting go of the past. (Reminds me of a roadside picnic, really, there are a lot of similarities between the two films, ha) Is the male...

  • Maximo 2022-03-22 09:01:33

    Only the weak will be touched

    The cruel and cruel emotions are deliberately mixed into love. The director (the same person anyway) is really vicious. People who are slowly aging from a pool of stagnant water need heavy drugs to activate, and the love of the weak can only hurt except hurt. , so most people in the world are not...

  • Noel 2022-03-22 09:01:33

    lone survivor at night

    Back in the dormitory that night, my roommate asked me what "Nocturnal Animals" was about. I stammered a few words in response, and I felt that the story was a bit old-fashioned. The last boy helped me to sum up the statement, and there was only one thing you said that interested me, Amy's eyes...

  • Madelyn 2022-03-22 09:01:33

    against fatalism

    Tom Ford wants to watch the audience find their emotional shadow in his mirror. I believe that the vast majority of people have experienced hurt and hurt in love. We can neither use this pain as inspiration to create a song or a sculpture like an artist, nor write like Edward in the story. A...

  • Mozelle 2022-03-21 09:01:38

    Indescribable Subtle Depression

    Disclaimer: This is my first time watching a Tom Ford movie. I didn't even know it was directed by Tom Ford before I even watched it and would be drawn to watch it purely because of the awesome trailer. Since the name is "Nocturnal Animals", I thought it was a story about ghosts and aliens, and I...

  • Dylan 2022-03-21 09:01:38

    "Nocturnal Animals": A thought of inhuman hell

    Nocturnal Animals is an "anti-love" film. It contains a paradoxical transformation. Existence becomes nihilistic, the warm becomes oppressive, the beautiful becomes cruel, the friendly becomes evil... When night falls, what can I be sure of?

    "Nocturnal Animals": A thought of inhuman hell


  • Zechariah 2022-03-21 09:01:38

    Rabbit and Fox

    Life is a mass of desires. If desires are not satisfied, they will suffer, and if they are satisfied, they will be boring. Life swings between pain and boredom. ——Schopenhauer's film is born from the overlapping and intertwining of three stories. The wild and violent western no-man's land in the...