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Nocturnal Animals Reviews

  • Marcelino 2022-04-21 09:01:43

    please don't hurt him

    When you love someone, take care of that relationship with all your heart. You may never have a second chance. This sentence gives the ending an answer. Between the memory and the novel, there are two things that have a profound impact on me: 1. In the novel, the male protagonist's...

  • Caitlyn 2022-04-21 09:01:43

    revenge story

    After the fictional mother and son were murdered and their bodies were found, a beautiful naked back on the red sofa in the wilderness belonged to the daughter. Immediately next, the real mother called her daughter, and there was also a beautiful naked back on a red mat, also her daughter. The hair...

  • Roel 2022-04-20 09:01:32

    I want to see the reflection of my soul in your eyes

    Saw this movie because of the music.

    I've always liked movie soundtracks. Browsing on Xiami before bed and found this album. The first few notes are very similar to the soundtrack style made by Mr. Sanbao for Hand in Hand. After listening to it, the atmosphere becomes more and more like a turbulent...

  • Telly 2022-04-20 09:01:32

    Staying up late is mind-blowing

    Three stories, one from the book, one from the past, and one from the present. There is not much content in the "now" part, there are very few things that actually happened, and the director's conspiracy is the most. It can't be said that it is completely mystical, but in the "now reality" part, a...

  • Mona 2022-04-20 09:01:32

    Since it is said to be true love, then more than once is probably fake

    I saw an exclusive interview with the Haier Brothers before, in which Ma Shi asked the host if they wanted to sing in Sichuan dialect on purpose. After that, it sounds like you can't cut your ears. Very impressed. This is the first time I've heard the description of this ear cut. This is a...

  • Cyril 2022-04-20 09:01:32

    The True Nocturnal Journey of the Crossover Master "Nocturnal Animals"

    If I can divide myself into countless pieces, then I believe that there must be pieces that overlap with Susan and Edward. On the night Susan proposed to Edwardt to separate, Edward's weak sentence was me, Susan said that I Didn't say you were weak, Edward said you did. There is no doubt that...

  • Cary 2022-04-20 09:01:32

    Too long for a short review

    The video is beautiful. Jake was so good that the road scene paused when he saw his wife and daughter being taken away; it was painful to see Tony waiting in the motel. (But this motel is too advanced...)

    As you can imagine, many of the words in the book are what the male protagonist wants to say to...

  • Ida 2022-04-20 09:01:32

    Mixed feelings

    "Nocturnal Animals" presents an avant-garde and naked art form. Tom Ford. If a math teacher draws two seemingly parallel but closely related timelines on the screen with unparalleled art and precision, he begins with a Yuba light bulb. The scorching camera language writes the heroine Susan's...

  • Lois 2022-04-20 09:01:32


    Nocturnal Animals

    It's not really a movie review, it's just moaning.

  • Rosalia 2022-04-20 09:01:32

    I have feelings for nocturnal animals

    I have read a lot of film reviews on Zhihu, but I always feel that some of the words are not expressive, some focus on the fashion elements of the film, some deconstruct the interspersed interludes of three stories, and some focus on revenge. Maybe that huge REVENGE is too eye-catching.

    For me,...