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Nocturnal Animals Reviews

  • Clare 2022-04-22 07:01:07


    After watching the nocturnal animals again, I realized that the first time I just watched it was lively. The film's strong contrast, the back and forth between reality and illusion, is so well-placed and coherent when I watch it for the second time. It looks like a thriller movie, but I think it is...

  • Gaetano 2022-04-21 09:01:43

    Susan Self-Extension and Inner World

    It's not a revenge story, it's not a suspense story, and it's not a relationship story.

    This is an open-ended story in which the hostess knows herself and excavates herself.

    I would like to interpret this film as a closed-loop structure, starting with the close-up of the eyes of Susan at the...

  • Rudy 2022-04-21 09:01:43

    Wednesday 43: Good work should have power, emotion, and make people aware of themselves

    #WednesdayMovie# #43 "Nocturnal Animals"

    Recommended star: Samsung

  • Shanon 2022-04-21 09:01:43

    The writer always writes about himself

    Marriage is a night trip. When the relationship is challenged, how can a cowardly me protect a tired you.

    Painters, directors, musicians... The best material for artists is always themselves.

    When you love someone, take care of that relationship with all your heart. You may never have a second...

  • Luisa 2022-04-21 09:01:43

    A and B

  • Tyshawn 2022-04-21 09:01:43

    nasty male protagonist

    I don't like this movie very much. One is that the painting style is very contrived. On the other hand, I hate the role of the male lead.

    He is more vulnerable than the heroine, then the heroine hurts him and leaves him, the only way he can think of is to take revenge on the heroine and let the...

  • Vaughn 2022-04-21 09:01:43

    The novel is the marriage of the male and female protagonists, alluding to revenge from the novel and running through the reality

    The novel is the allusion of the whole marriage of the hero and heroine

    The male and female protagonists and a family of three were originally happily driving a car. The pervert they met took the male protagonist, wife and children away. The male protagonist at that time was too cowardly and...

  • Heloise 2022-04-21 09:01:43

    Only loss can prove true love

    Why would you fall in love with someone? Perhaps one of his eyes, a back, a word, or a gentle tone, or the faint scent of tobacco on his body? Maybe by the time we can finally tell if it's true love, we've lost it.

    The reality is so cruel, when we have something, we never feel it is precious, and...

  • Miles 2022-04-21 09:01:43


    Maybe it's old, I don't know when to start, the first word I write is often earlier, then how and then, and then it's my turn to be now.

    In today's fiddling assessment questionnaire, about the dimension of self-awareness, many things are related to self-awareness, such as emotional intelligence,...