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Nocturnal Animals Reviews

  • Darion 2022-04-23 07:01:39

    nocturnal animals

    After divorcing her ex-husband Tony (Jake Gyllenhaal), Susan (Amy Adams) is married to a man named Houghton (Amy Hammer). People's marriage has been maintained for more than ten years, but it is obvious that this relationship has long lost its passion and is exhausted. At the same time, the crisis...

  • Ludwig 2022-04-23 07:01:39

    For "Humanity," You need a big dose.

    Movies are externalized dreams, but sometimes, movies are real, and they reveal the true colors of the world. Movies based on real events have become more and more common, and people no longer rely on fake, artificially created scripts. Capturing the audience, in the shady scene, the pop-up "This...

  • Lukas 2022-04-22 07:01:07

    'Nocturnal Animals' Deciphers Mental Fatal Injury

    Edward's Nocturnal Animals to Susan is cruel.

    For emotionally sensitive people who experience true love being betrayed, the trauma can be fatal. Edward's real mood was as destructive as the one in his book about his wife and daughter being raped and murdered.

    Few people understand this, so the...

  • Emilie 2022-04-22 07:01:07

    The age difference reflected by the shape of the hammer, I almost thought it was a little wolf dog

    Two stars for the soundtrack. One star for the cast

    Wow, this soundtrack is really deceiving~

  • Brandi 2022-04-22 07:01:07

    black horror

    I watched a movie with my friends and the first question I asked was: "Why does everyone seem so unhappy?"

    Yes, a brief summary of the viewing experience is "I really felt the pain of the organs in my stomach being twisted and twisted in various ways". Extreme depression, depression, sadness,...

  • Alexandro 2022-04-22 07:01:07

    Watching this movie broke my heart

    The Mysterio image in "Spider-Man: Far From Home" cured my Jake Gyllenhaal PTSD from "Brokeback Mountain" to a certain extent - when I saw Lao Ji, I felt abusive, so I opened it too lightly After watching this movie, I got depressed again.

    This movie actually tells the whole story of a love...

  • Deondre 2022-04-22 07:01:07

    This method of revenge on the ex is really literary - "Nocturnal Animals"

    Nocturnal Animals is a 2016 film based on a novel.

    The director of this film was originally a costume designer. When he was in his 40s, he quit his job and went to work as a director... "Nocturnal Animals" seems to be the second work he directed, and it won the jury of the Venice Film Festival. The...

  • Ashleigh 2022-04-22 07:01:07

    Pass of the strong, epitaph of the weak

    The weak have the way of the weak. If the weak really won by becoming stronger, that would be a satire of the weak in itself.

    To everyone who has, it will be given to him, and he will have a surplus; and from anyone who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.

    The first movie that made me...

  • Jasper 2022-04-22 07:01:07

    "My love and you, die and never come back to life"

    The thing that breaks my heart the most in the whole movie is the scene where Edward watches Susan and Holden in the car in the heavy rain. It was raining, but the whole world seemed to stand still, a blank. Susan betrays Edward and also aborts their child, which is a double whammy for a man. In...

  • Beau 2022-04-22 07:01:07

    Talk about the ingenuity of this film. (spoiler)

    The ingeniousness of this film is that the protagonist in the novel, Tony, has mapped out, both Edward in reality and Susan in reality. for example:

    Tony at the moment is Susan, wife can be replaced by husband, Susan also gave up Edward because of fear of the unknown future. In the novel, Tony...