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Nocturnal Animals Reviews

  • Fatima 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    You might never get the love again

    I watched this movie because Amway bought TF's lipstick before. Seeing a TF fan recommending this movie in an article, I found it on Tencent. I thought that TF is fashion-forward, sexy and mature, but I didn't expect that "When you love someone, you have to be careful with it. You might never get...

  • Blaze 2022-04-24 07:01:04

    A temperamental movie

    Strangely good-looking, it fully shows how important a director's good taste in many artistic fields is to create the overall temperament of the film.

    Although the movie adopts the form of a play within a play, the story is not complicated, and the male protagonist is weak from beginning to end:...

  • Lois 2022-04-23 07:01:39

    Thoughtful revenge

    It's a self-inflicted story, and the contemporary art exhibition that begins is refreshing. Very amazing. The two storylines of reality and fiction are closely connected by Jake Gyllenhaal playing two roles, making the narrative seem real and fantasy without any sense of disobedience. The...

  • Edmond 2022-04-23 07:01:39

    Love only comes once, if you miss it, it will never come back

    Susan is a strong woman, and the fat woman at the beginning expresses her style in an exaggerated way - extremely subjective. The working environment is also minimalist and impactful. Her marriage to her husband was also fractured. At this time, she received the first draft of the novel "Nocturnal...

  • Myron 2022-04-23 07:01:39

    Weakness dies, sensibility ceases to exist

    When you love someone, you have to be careful with it. You might never get it again.

    —Edward to Susan

    When you love someone, you have to work hard, you can't just throw it away, you have to be careful, or you won't get it again. So in the end, Susan...

  • Kristoffer 2022-04-23 07:01:39

    metaphors from sadness

    The film uses an interlude method to narrate. "Nocturnal Animals" is a novel that has not yet been published and is still being verified. From the perspective of the storyline of the novel, it can only reach the passing line. However, combined with Susan's special feelings for her ex-husband...

  • Fabian 2022-04-23 07:01:39

    A different kind of revenge

    The movie is adapted from a novel, the original name of the novel is "Tony & Susan", which is very interesting. Tony is the name of the hero in the novel of the male lead, and Susan is the name of the heroine of the real line. Susan's real-life ex-husband, the man who wrote the novel, is named...

  • Onie 2022-04-23 07:01:39

    What kills you finally makes you stronger

    I got it from the movie on the 11th holiday. I would like to use this article as a commemoration. It is a serious spoiler.

    This is a somewhat hypocritical film, and all kinds of well-designed baggage and metaphors are used as a fuss when you are not careful.

    On the snowy night, the male protagonist...

  • Edison 2022-04-23 07:01:39

    nocturnal animals

    The director of "Nocturnal Animals" really didn't learn this major to be able to make a good movie. To be clear, for example, artistic creation is not something that can be taught. Painting can learn the basics, but there are too many self-taught talents. Gao, Monet, the academy can't teach it....

  • Clarabelle 2022-04-23 07:01:39

    "We will grow up to be like our own mothers." The curse is real

    Watching "Nocturnal Animals" with my eldest sister is full of violence and aesthetic metaphors. To put it bluntly, it means breaking up for 20 years. The literary ex-husband wrote a novel and sent it to the heroine, so that the heroine thinks that she has an old love for her unforgettable, and then...