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  • Pearlie 2022-01-16 08:01:27

    One person, one vote, say no to poisonous vegetables!

    Adaptation of real events, real historical records. In 1988, after 16 years of military dictatorship (two eight-year terms), Pinochet was forced to agree to a referendum under pressure from the international community. Under the repressive rule of poisonous vegetables for many years, the opposition...

  • Tyra 2022-01-16 08:01:27

    The tone of the film is ironic.

    The keynote of the film is ironic. The point is not that the "democracy" brought about by the referendum changed everything, and it is not that the "commercial advertising" changed the result of the referendum. In the referendum, the bosses who had the opposite position to the male lead all said...

  • Angela 2022-01-16 08:01:27

    "NO" (2012)

    In 1988, Chile ended the dictatorship of the military strongman through a referendum. There are many connections between this story and the current political issues in Taiwan. Of course, time and space are different and the situation is different, but look at this 20 It is also quite interesting...

  • Davonte 2022-01-16 08:01:27

    We must have the courage to say no

    Fate of the nation, everyone is responsible. This movie is about Chile. The first Chilean movie I have ever seen, it is hard to imagine that this long and narrow country in Latin America also has such a vigorous history. The film creates the dark yellow tones in revolutionary films, a bit like the...

  • Hailey 2022-01-16 08:01:27

    Bread alone is not enough, freedom to say no to happiness

    The Chilean film "NO" was selected as one of the top five best foreign language films at this year's Oscars. Although it failed to win the title, the film still left a very deep impression on the audience. This is a film about politics, focusing on an important page in Chile's history, namely, the...

  • Marjolaine 2022-01-16 08:01:27

    "Say No to the Government" (NO) requires courage and wisdom

    Every year for the Oscars, I believe that only the best foreign language film and the best animated short film are the most fierce competition. Just look at the primary selection list, more than 80 regions have their own unique works, from island countries to small countries, and then To the big...

  • Ashtyn 2022-01-16 08:01:27

    This is a precious piece of history

    "Say No to Chile" gives people a documentary look and feel. The film is shot and processed in the form of old film, which truly reproduces the historical environment of the time. The film is based on real events and tells the legend of the opponents saving the country through advertising during the...

  • Bridie 2022-01-16 08:01:27

    Multiple interpretations of the text prevent this pseudo-documentary from becoming a mediocre work

    ▲The last part of "The Dictator Pinochet Trilogy"

    As the last part of the "Dictator Pinochet Trilogy", "Say No to Chile" finally got rid of the rough and bleak aesthetic style and boring characters in the first two works, using

  • Spencer 2022-01-16 08:01:27

    In Giddy World, Defiance Has a Jingle

    Imagine the following scenario: your country has endured a dictator's rule for 15 years. The economy has grown, but so has the number of casualties of its political unrest and the government's stranglehold on freedom. Now your people have the chance to vote him out, but they are too afraid to...

  • Jeromy 2022-01-16 08:01:27

    How to say no to a dictator

    This may be the pinnacle of advertisers on the stage of history-using a 15-minute ad to promote the downfall of a dictatorial government.

    1. Since there is bread, why should we be free

    In 1988, Chileans who had endured the dictatorship for 15 years were about to vote: this time there are only two...