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Neighbors Reviews

  • Jadon 2021-10-20 17:51:32

    Youth years are common. It's not about nation or country.

    I'm middle-aged, and I've seen a lot of movies about youth. I didn't want to write these words because this one is very special, because I just have the urge to write. From a student to a professional person, some people make the transition easily, and some people need more toss in the middle....

  • Johan 2021-10-20 17:50:32

    I want this kind of university life too

    Fantasy college life should be like this, pub, clubs, friends, alcohol. In fact, my five years of university consisted of drawing pictures, taking exams, designing, and coffee.

    In addition, the Party music in the movie is so good. I have seen a website that analyzes the music of this movie. I...

  • Jada 2021-10-20 17:49:29

    Still have to grow up as an adult

    The noise problem is really a headache. I have deafening music playing downstairs. From morning to night, I pub in restaurants during the day and night, and it is delayed until 1 a.m. due to daylight saving time. So I really understand the couple's desire to drive the brotherhood away.

    I saw it for...

  • Antonio 2021-10-20 17:40:44

    I will be you when I grow up

        The American shit version throws boots. It is not the contradiction of different classes, but the contradiction of the same class at different stages.     The Mac couple's yearning for the party is no less intense than the fraternities, but it's just an extra responsibility. There is a...

  • Rosemary 2021-10-20 17:38:19


            I stayed with Lao Wang to work overtime at night, after he finished his Weibo, and watched enough of his circle of friends, I also watched the Taobao collection store only after 9 o’clock. I was really bored and remembered that there are still a few videos in PPS. It’s time to...

  • Telly 2021-10-20 17:38:18

    Slightly boring

    It's not very funny. The laughing point is actually quite cold. It just can't make me laugh. It's a crooked mouth. But for this kind of completely nonsense movie, it's a little boring if I can't laugh. But there is a little feeling that the Americans can have fun when they are young, and...

  • Kacey 2021-10-20 17:38:18

    Median value of feces

    It’s not easy to play things like shit, piss, comedy. Focusing only on the Xia Sanlu will become a no-good joke, and paying more attention to the Shangsan Lu will not be crazy. "The Neighbors Fight" can be regarded as finding a middle value. The young shit youth group fights the...

  • Trevion 2021-10-20 17:38:18

    Not as powerful as the notice

    I have never felt much about Seth Rogen's comedies, especially his signature laughter. However, after watching the trailer, it has changed. It is really very interesting. I can't help but feel, eh? The movie he made looks so good. The explosive box office in the first week seems to be...

  • Tiana 2021-10-20 17:38:18

    Always felt

    I always feel that this young couple loves each other, even after the big quarrel, they apologize to each other when they meet. Life on weekdays is even more harmonious. Life with children doesn’t seem to be so bad, just can’t go to parties anymore. But when I saw the various equipments of...

  • Melyssa 2021-10-20 17:37:36

    "Neighbors War": a showdown between friendship and love

      Focusing on Seth Rogen’s comedy movies, they are full of all kinds of silly kindness and base loveliness. He successfully interprets his personal style and personal characteristics in each of his movies, creating another one. The king of unique comedy! Maybe his movies don't have much...