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Naked Lunch Reviews

  • Francisca 2022-03-20 09:01:59

    crazy summer

    The oldest and longest-living writer of the "Beat Generation" is William Burrows. ...In 1953, William Burrows wrote the "Beat" style novel "Junkie" based on his drug addiction experience, which began to attract the attention of American literature. After that, he first lived in seclusion in a male...

  • Greyson 2022-03-20 09:01:59

    The more cult, the happier --- watch "Naked Lunch"

    "Naked Lunch" is one of the few movies I've seen recently, and it's been hailed by fans as a cult classic and one of David Cronenberg's best works. The first time I heard the name of "Naked Lunch" was when I was a freshman. I read it in a DVD magazine. It was about a cult movie. I was fascinated by...

  • Drew 2021-12-22 08:01:19

    "Nude Lunch"---The Transformed Journey of Thought

    "Nude Lunch" is regarded as a classic of cult, thanks to the genius writing of the author William Borrows and the genius technique of David Cornenberg. I have written about three geniuses named David. My favorite in it is Konnenberg’s extreme absurdity and alienation, followed by Vinci’s darkness...

  • Elenora 2021-12-22 08:01:19

    One day your typewriter suddenly turned into a talking cockroach............

    The film's use of metaphors is quite brilliant. As for which entity is used to bear the metaphor, that is the director's personal preference, but the key lies in the understanding of the metaphor itself. He turned the typewriter into a cockroach (Kronenberg seems to be particularly interested in...

  • Austin 2021-12-22 08:01:19

    If you want to kill your wife, you will kill your wife again

    "Nude Lunch" is obviously Burroughs autobiography, he even keeps suggesting, "This is the essence of my life." In fact, the "Beat Generation" are writing autobiography, they are the puss of the world after World War II. Liquid, trash and art are constantly spewing, and emptiness controls them.


  • Talon 2021-12-22 08:01:19

    mix and frozen

    I am injecting your insecticide powder. Opening structure: 1. Deworming 2. No fans scolded by the boss 2.1. Reprimanded by Chinese people 3. Talking about literature with friends and getting the conclusion that fans disappeared 4. Going home and seeing the results, "It's really poetic excitement."...

  • Ariel 2021-12-22 08:01:19

    The Reconstruction of Biography under the Structure of Orpheus Mythology——The formula of the movie "Naked Lunch"

    David Cronenberg's "Naked Lunch" = original film-William Burroughs "Nude Lunch" + Burroughs personal experience + Orpheus mythological structure + Burroughs literary view + "anal universe "+ Cronenberg's private goods.

    1. The original movie-"Naked Lunch" by William Burroughs:


  • Lennie 2021-12-22 08:01:19

    "Naked Lunch"-a Kafka-style shudder

    "Naked Lunch" was directed by cult film master David Cronenberg and was released in 1991. It is adapted from the Beat novelist William Burroughs' novel of the same name. It tells the story of a writer who loves insecticides in writing and It is no longer difficult to distinguish between the real...

  • Nicklaus 2021-12-22 08:01:19


    Killing a woman writer (Yao Ji, whether Kafka or female) proved so writer to replace a woman and then kill them (it is a writing it) and then look for the next right that the agent is an agent it is a drug powder and will make people talk typewriter turned into gay woman with a pen and intrigue...

  • Domenica 2021-12-22 08:01:19

    Writer's life

    There is a song called Guns Don’t Kill People, People Kill People. Secretly change the concept, people don't write, they write. Saying that God is dead is not the loss of human relations or the victory of the dead. It's just a little chaos before awakening, and people who are not energetic will...