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Naked Lunch Reviews

  • Monserrat 2022-03-23 09:02:12

    william's game

    1 William's game appears out of thin air in the movie (the name of the original author) 2 William's game is to make the writer's muse hold a cup, and then the writer kills his muse with a gun, the reason why he is a writer The muse is because the writer himself said "I can't write without Joan". Of...

  • Orland 2022-03-23 09:02:12

    William Tell routine

    I guess it's about time for our William Tell routine... I think Joan knew Bill was going to shoot herself. So elegant and calm, as if it was just a small game, slowly pick up the cup and put it on the head to meet the fatal blow. There is a tacit understanding between the closest people, and there...

  • Norval 2022-03-22 09:02:04

    Hurry up, or it will be too late

    Don't say "understand" or "understand". It should have said "look in". The real valuable cultural products in the United States are sex, drugs, and rock. Without understanding these three, you can't really understand any American culture and art since the 20th century - including novels, movies,...

  • Alexa 2022-03-21 09:02:12

    Don't touch my typewriter!

    Movies turned into pulp fiction

    as i guessed

  • Clay 2022-03-21 09:02:12

    There is no evidence that the use of any hallucinogens causes the body to become dependent on the drug

    A sentimental, hungry ghost who likes to lie on American Liberty Avenue smoking weed, and a teenager who likes to wear a sweet, sad smile without bathing for eight months and still be able to make love or do something somber under the Internationale. an addict; a director of Cult films who likes to...

  • Leola 2022-03-21 09:02:12

    naked lunch

    First off topic, a real conversation record in life: Mother: "Do you have any good movies on your computer?" Me: "It's basically the ones you don't like or understand~~~" Mother: "What's this? "Naked Lunch"? Brat, have you started watching porn?"    Me : "...No, it's about drugs." Mother: "Oh, I...

  • Filiberto 2022-03-21 09:02:12

    Two hours of torture... Worth it

    Living in Shanghai for 8 years, I hate cockroaches, especially the oversized ones. And I was very hungry last night, so I must have something to eat. I was ashamed to see that I actually fell asleep and continued to make up in the afternoon. I admit that I naturally miss a lot of ingenuity, so I'll...

  • Jazmin 2022-03-21 09:02:12

    "Naked Lunch" 7.5

    It is said that the Beats respected improvisation, taking drugs first, and then coding when the body became hot and strange hallucinations appeared.

  • Chance 2022-03-20 09:01:59

    Personal impression of naked lunch.

    "Typewriter and bugs" is actually the most ugly and dirty consciousness in his heart that can't face the truth.

    He hated resisting but couldn't get rid of it, but he still obeyed.

    When he first learned of his wife's drug use, the idea of ​​destruction had been bred in his heart, but it was only one...

  • Taya 2022-03-20 09:01:59


    David Cronenberg's masterpiece, always surreal, based on the original book by William S. Burroughs. But sorry, I really didn't understand. I haven't read Burrows' original book, but judging from the film, it is estimated that he wrote very stream of consciousness. The film seems to have a coherent...

Naked Lunch

Director: David Cronenberg

Language: English,Arabic Release date: April 24, 1992