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Naked Lunch Reviews

  • Korey 2022-03-25 09:01:10

    "Naked Lunch" - Sensual orgasm is infinitely good

    IQ is a good thing. After watching this film, I feel that it is enough to go shopping at a cat shopping festival.

    Different from the soul touch brought by the drug addiction hallucination in "Requiem for a Dream", "Nude Lunch" simply allows you to participate in the hallucination from beginning to...

  • Bernard 2022-03-25 09:01:10

    Killing insects

    Naked Lunch begins with the novelist's creative desires, their dark desires and their abyss. They thought it was the tool of their minds - the typewriter: it was actually their controller, and not even the language, the language - was just talking.         The film expresses an idea that regardless...

  • Armando 2022-03-24 09:02:14

    Reality is more blurry than fantasy

    Rather than saying that "Naked Lunch" is based on the novel of the same name by American writer William Burroughs, it is better to say that this is William's autobiographical film. If you don't know William, then you'll just get lost in the monstrous and irrational maze created by David Cronenberg....

  • Rebeca 2022-03-24 09:02:14


    One: The biggest wish of ordinary middle-aged uncles is: promotion, fortune, and dead wife.        The biggest wish of literary middle-aged uncles is: drugs, publishing books, and dead wife. Two: Except for butterflies, I can't think of insects as cute, and I can't practice in a different...

  • Napoleon 2022-03-24 09:02:14

    Fragment of the Naked Lunch

    Yesterday was almost spent doing nothing, but I was almost undecided sad, strange. I know this is suitable for the beginning of a psychedelic novel, or a monologue narration before the official start of a movie. Like a naked lunch. In the end, I still think of it, three years after watching it,...

  • Everett 2022-03-23 09:02:12

    Black Giant Aquatic Brazilian Centipede

    -Have I ever told you about a guy who lets his ass talk? -bubbly, strong, stinky smell, A sound you can smell -but ass soon bites through pants and yells in the street for equal rights -ass finally says to him, yes you should shut up , not me, because I don't need you at all - I can eat, talk, and...

  • Easton 2022-03-23 09:02:12

    A pool of gorgeous, amazing imagination merged into the brain-crumbed shit of thick insects

    I watched it when I was 19, and I deleted the movie when I couldn't understand it. Looking at it now, it's still incomprehensible. It's a mess of chaotic, psychedelic, disgusting, unintelligible poison, but to me, it's just beat shit. The three essences of America are sex, drugs, and rock music....

  • Kaitlyn 2022-03-23 09:02:12

    read it again

    It's really too obscure and difficult to understand. The last time I watched it more than a year ago, I felt that I didn't understand it very well. Now I have read the film review and read it again. In fact, it is just talking about the effect of drugs (drugs) on people's mental state. The...

  • Wellington 2022-03-23 09:02:12

    Despair behind chaos

    Living is a misery, whether you are full of love or hate, whether you are cursing social injustice under the scorching sun, or watching TV melodiously in an air-conditioned room thinking you are doing well. These are appearances, frivolous fleeting fragments. They will cycle endlessly, suffering,...

  • Terrill 2022-03-23 09:02:12

    poetic excitement

    Cronenberg understood Kafka. He is a genius. In the opening chapter, Mrs. Li's addiction to insecticidal powder implies that human beings abandon and stifle their thoughts and self. The typewriter, which turns into a beetle, is the materialization of inner thinking, the medium that connects the...