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Mysterious Skin Reviews

  • Milton 2022-03-22 09:02:07

    After reading the above forum topics, I want to scold swear words.

    The theme of the whole article is really not about who is gay, who likes who, who did who... childhood injuries can really cause a memory black hole that affects a person's life. At the beginning of the film, the innocent smiling face of the child and the candy falling all over the sky are so pure...

  • Elouise 2022-03-21 09:02:19

    1981 Inescapable Summer

    "I want to escape from all the pain and sorrow in this world, and those endless sufferings, and I pray with all my heart to God, let us two like good angels fly into the sky until they disappear."

    This is what Neil said at the end of the film when he was holding a choking Brain. The air was filled...

  • Shanny 2022-03-21 09:02:19

    About second degree damage

    This is a story that feels disillusioned at the end. It's a sad story. The story is simple, two boys are exposed to sexual experiences prematurely and then develop their own personalities. Male A is a Saturn man (hereinafter referred to as: handsome boy), dark, very seductive, Scorpio constellation...

  • Thurman 2022-03-21 09:02:19

    tortured people

    I watched this film with a calm heart. I didn't have any expectations before, so I just wanted to watch something for entertainment. After watching it, I have to admit that this is a good movie in a GAY-themed movie. Strictly speaking, this film is one of the darker themes among gay-themed films,...

  • Idella 2022-03-21 09:02:19

    cannot be erased

    The soundtrack of the film is composed by the amazing Harold Budd & Robin Guthrie, with names like Ride, Slowdive, Sigur Ros that excite shoegazing, post-rock lovers, and the picture, which is accompanied by powerful white noise architecture The feedback that comes out is straight into my heart!...s

  • Britney 2022-03-21 09:02:19

    Forget or forget? There is no answer.

    I'm crying. I really haven't cried at a movie in a long time. So angry and sad. This is very similar to Fang Siqi's first love paradise, it's not a force, it's a lure. So disgusting, ltp teacher is so disgusting. Neil is miserable because he actually thought it was a gift, a special summer for him,...

  • Conor 2022-03-20 09:02:03

    godlike neil Mccomick is a prostitute in modern world!

    Neil is eight years old with black paint on his face, like an angel with a young face, the best baseball player, even saying shit shit shit, the old man actually likes to have sex with the coach, the fifteen-year-old reveals the most bone-chilling rebellion as a male prostitute and Every man in...

  • Oceane 2022-01-04 08:01:22

    It’s more painful than we saw

    About that summer, Brian's memory has been muddy. He drew ET in his diary, followed all UFOs and people who met UFOs on TV. In his dream, he imagined himself as the boy who was robbed by ET that night. He is looking for the truth, but he has been evading it. He is a boy who looks innocent and...

  • Maynard 2022-01-04 08:01:22

    Three favorite lines

    -Wish there's a movie show on here now. -Me too.  It'll be filled with our lives,  everything those happened so far.  And the last scene just be us standing right here,  just you and me. -En. -I hear sound.  It's the voice of the god. -I hear.  I hear. -And you have to understand one thing:  where...