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Mysterious Skin Reviews

  • Coralie 2022-08-03 12:26:29

    Mysterious Skin--An Incomplete Childhood is Fatal

    After reading it, I gave it 3 stars, and after reading some comments, my understanding was very different, so I re-read the beginning a few times, and I understood all the words I didn't know. Give it four stars. I love Neil in it. Just start with him. No father, a mother who loves him very much...

  • Crawford 2022-07-20 15:19:13

    Mysterious Skin--A Bit Weird And A Bit Perverted Movie

    To tell you the truth, 

    I just watched my own private Idaho yesterday.

  • Evie 2022-04-20 09:01:56

    Different life the same reality

    When I first watched it, I didn't understand anything. Only later did I understand what was going on. On the one hand, it tells the story of two people who took different paths because of being sexually assaulted. On the other hand, it also shows the selfishness, ruthlessness and cruelty between...

  • Jaren 2022-04-20 09:01:56

    Every boy in Gregg Araki is an angel

    I'm starting to be kind of sure now that director Gregg Araki is indeed a homosexual. FromFrom the trilogy to Mysterious Skin, the boys in Japanese director Gregg Araki's film are angels. "People always see sex, drugs, and violence in my films, but what I want to express is actually the purest...

  • Kameron 2022-04-20 09:01:56

    Don't get used to the injury, just explode in the injury

    After watching this movie, I have been amazed: the movie is so good! How can it be so beautiful? Originally, I had to watch BL movies because of the mentality, but when I slowly finished tasting it, I was about to be amazed. So amazing! First of all, the performance of the two male protagonists is...

  • Elinor 2022-04-20 09:01:56


    Xiaolin said that he never played with the usual educational toys when he was a child, and he still broods about it until now.     I said, what is the difference between a toy and a toy? The building blocks have no place to go to the top, only waiting to be knocked down and start over again; a...

  • Adam 2022-04-20 09:01:56

    Did you hear the voice of God?

    Watching the movie and thinking of myself, there is a beautiful scene in the movie. In the heavy snow, the male protagonist put the stereo to his ear and said to the female protagonist: "Have you heard, the voice of God..." And the last Christmas That night, male No. 1 and male No. 2 with blood on...

  • Violet 2022-04-20 09:01:56

    Who knows this movie better than me.

    Two boys, a past, the same summer vacation, two different memories. This summer, the coach's love bullied Neil and Brian. After the summer vacation, Neil became a male prostitute. Maybe he chose this career. Neil wanted to get back his original love, and the coach's feelings for him lingered. No...

  • Luther 2022-04-19 09:02:17

    It's not just the skin that seduces

    It's hard to criticize a movie!     After reading it, I don't know what language to use to express it. To be precise, I can't express it! The director's expression is intrusive, almost cruel!     Helpless children experience things that should not be experienced by children when they are children....

  • Theron 2022-04-19 09:02:17

    That firm and sloppy look about Neil

    After watching this movie, it was a whole afternoon of silence. It was a warm winter afternoon in the freshman year. I still remember the feeling that I couldn't tell whether it was warm or sour, and slowly came to my heart. Confused by me, it spreads deep into my heart. Warm, because this is a...