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My Week with Marilyn Reviews

  • Weston 2022-12-18 11:40:48

    just think about it

    Throughout the history of film, biographical films are mostly difficult to make. It is indeed not easy to condense a person's decades of life into a few hours (yes, I'm talking about the j.edgar I just watched), Comparatively speaking, half a year, or even a short week, is much easier to control,...

  • Layne 2022-12-16 09:52:10

    Sexiest woman in more than half a century: Marilyn Monroe

    Saw two movies yesterday #myweek with monroe and passion

    In fact, it's because I can't watch the recent #FantasticBeasts# in Thailand, so I turned out the previous movie Me and Monroe's week and watched it!

    The actors in the movie are really similar to Monroe. As for the bullet screen, it's still...

  • Hannah 2022-12-13 23:47:55

    love is skin

    My Week with Monroe, based on the book of the same name. A week of love between the British second-generation and sexy actress Monroe, what does the little freckles play, what is it, "The Danish Girl" has the charm of a woman, in "The Theory of Everything" he is the optimistic and kind genius...

  • Michele 2022-12-13 07:49:15

    Excited after watching

    I didn't know what kind of person Monroe was before. I saw the photo album that my neighbor built for her. I knew that this girl was not a vase and she worked hard to prove it all her life. I also knew the huge pressure she I'm sure about this movie (just judging from the movie) Monroe takes...

  • Sandy 2022-12-12 02:11:05

    "My Week with Monroe" Monroe Biography

    This film is based on the two memoirs of Colin Clarke "You Long Xifeng: Half a Year on Set with Monroe and Oliver" and "A Week Between Me and Monroe". Plot: In 1956, Monroe, who had just married the famous playwright Arthur Miller, set foot in England for the first time, cooperating with the actor...

  • Milo 2022-12-07 19:55:23

    Monroe knows how to use, and is often used.

    Monroe is sexy. In the movie, Monroe is a star holding the moon and attracting attention. One line of the movie is whether Monroe is a vase or an acting school. There are opportunities and packaging. Because Monroe has reached the pinnacle of the vase, of course, I hope everyone can pay more...

  • Antonia 2022-12-07 12:48:45

    between reality and dream

    Hollywood is good at dreaming.

    Hollywood in the 1950s was at its peak.

  • Duane 2022-12-06 17:43:23

    The time when dreams came true

    The background of the story takes place in the 1956 Laurence Olivier, Marilyn Monroe movieDuring the filming of (The Dragon and the Phoenix), the film was based on Colin Clark's real diaryAdapted, Colin, who was 23 at the time, had just entered the entertainment industry and was a young man. He had...

  • Rickey 2022-12-04 05:15:45

    My week with Monroe: Beauty can solve everything

    For beauty, everyone has a tolerance beyond imagination. It is not because of being confused by beauty and losing oneself, but because of the baptism given by beauty, the whole person's body and mind are full of joy. For Monroe, most people are irresistible. What makes people impressive is not only...

  • Ruthie 2022-12-03 23:12:48

    To Colin Clark

    Dear Colin:     Will you forgive my hurried goodbye in the bar that day? I'm sorry, the numerous announcements on the other side of the ocean are urging me to leave the beautiful British Isles all the time. Happy times are fleeting, and a week of getting together is too short, now allow me to write...