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Montage Reviews

  • Vita 2022-01-24 17:48:17

    The gains and losses of montage

    Using one mistake to punish another wrong plot concept is very brilliant; the character setting of the offender and the victim in the Shen case's reprinted another case 15 years later is also a bright spot. The suspense of whether it is a "serial crime" or "imitating crime" has been stripped and...

  • Kennedy 2022-01-24 17:48:17

    Double reversal, exquisite attentiveness

    "Catch That Guy" is a Korean drama film directed by Jung Geun-seop and starring Kim Sang-kyung and Um Jung-hwa. The film tells the story of an abduction case that occurred 15 years ago after the statute of limitations was passed, and the same method was used to reopen the case. The families of...

  • Devyn 2022-01-24 17:48:17

    Good-looking, just say a little

    "Montage" personal film viewing essay, the name translation of the non-decent film review is interesting, very topical, the film is not bad, especially the ending part, the reverse is quite intriguing, thinking of the saying, Skynet is full of sparse but not leaking, about the perfect crime, in...

  • Green 2022-01-24 17:48:17

    Cut chaotically, barely justify it

    Fifteen years ago, in order to raise the cost of surgery for his daughter who was dying of a heart attack, Han Zheyitong found out and kidnapped Xizhen, a little girl from a single-parent family. ). After Xizhen's mother called the police, the police instructed her to pay the ransom with...

  • Raphaelle 2022-01-24 17:48:17

    "Perfect" crime? Imperfect crime

    7.5 points.

    This movie has such a high rating, but when I watch it, the logic problems in various details are really annoying. Moreover, the tempo is slow, and the editing mood is not enough, which makes people feel very ordinary.

    Although a suspenseful crime or reversal movie always has logical...

  • Letha 2022-01-24 17:48:17

    An imperfect interpretation of the perfect kidnapping case

    The film revolves around a kidnapping and homicide case that immediately exceeded the 15-year prosecution period. Two clues are extended. One clue is that the police officer played by Kim Sang-kyung, Goh Ching-ho, experienced the crime in person 15 years ago. At the last moment of the...

  • Floy 2022-01-24 17:48:17

    Watching "Montage" in Six Views

    Fifteen years ago, Han Zhe kidnapped the heroine's daughter because her daughter had a heart attack and urgently needed surgery. Han Zhe, who took the ransom, was about to release the little girl, but the little girl scratched the corner of his eye. After the little girl escaped, Han Zhe rushed all...

  • Lessie 2022-01-24 17:48:17

    No one commented, then I'll make a big complaint~

    After 8 years in "Princess Aurora", Um Jeong-hwa played the role of desperate mother again, and Kim Sang-kyung regained his role as a police officer in "Memories of Murder" ten years later. I read "몽타주" with this sentence. There are not many film reviews for the new film, so I will complain about...

  • Alysa 2022-01-24 17:48:17

    The sins you committed yesterday will be repaid twice now

    The name of the movie is Catch That Guy. In contrast, I prefer another name, Montage. For the film, this is not only a shooting technique, but also a criminal technique. The case fifteen years later, and the overlapping combination of fifteen years ago, is a kind of montage, using the fifteen years...

  • Bryana 2022-01-24 17:48:17

    One mistake can only be made up for by another mistake, and one salvation can only be fulfilled by another salvation.

    Excellent plot, clever timeline, consolation ending. excellent work. I won't elaborate on the plot. After watching a movie, you will feel that the story is not complicated. An injured mother repeated the case she had experienced for revenge, and the police officer who had gone through 15 years...