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Monkey Business Reviews

  • Mohammed 2022-10-16 20:46:43

    Monroe: Who is the city for?

    I watched Monroe's biopic two days ago. One after another, all smiles. Monroe put on all kinds of happy expressions. I think she is so cute. Then, feel so tired. She is so eager to please her audience. After watching a movie of hers, "A Wonderful Herbal Love", she smiled brightly on the poster, and...

  • Clinton 2022-10-16 16:29:21

    Monkey Business - hilarious light comedy

    I have to say that this is another black and white old movie that exudes the charm of time. Sometimes old movies are like watching a drama performance. Although there are no gorgeous colors, no cool technologies, and no realistic scenes, they also restore the art itself to the greatest extent. Its...

  • Edison 2022-10-16 16:03:43

    poor human

    From the very beginning, what the professor said was very philosophical. "Humans haven't done anything wrong, but they are getting older every day... Poor creature..." The magic medicine was actually prepared by a 6-month-old orangutan, which caused the professor's family to have a series of farce....